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Monday, May 9, 2011

Gobierno De Canarias

Gobierno De Canarias. del Gobierno de Canarias,
  • del Gobierno de Canarias,

  • mambodancer
    Mar 27, 09:16 AM
    I didnt realize a release date was set:cool:

    It wasn't. This is just a made up story.

    In fact, I have it on good authority that there most definitely will not be an iPad 3 released until next year. It comes from the same person that makes this other stuff up.

    Actually, given the supply constraints of just display parts (which impact all manufacturers), the popularity of the existing iPad 2 and the indications that Apple may start paying its suppliers more for parts to insure it can manufacture existing product, there is no reason for Apple to come out with an iPad 3 this year. That's just made up BS.

    Gobierno De Canarias. El Gobierno de Canarias activa
  • El Gobierno de Canarias activa

  • twoodcc
    Jul 29, 09:23 PM
    I'd buy in a second, even if I had a Razr.

    i think i'll buy a Macbook instead

    Gobierno De Canarias. del Gobierno de Canarias,
  • del Gobierno de Canarias,

  • MacNut
    May 3, 01:36 AM
    I prefer my summer temperatures getting out of the 30's.:p

    Gobierno De Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias - Mascota de ViveCanarias.com
  • Gobierno de Canarias - Mascota de ViveCanarias.com

  • rhsgolfer33
    Apr 20, 06:19 PM
    Capital gains allows you to choose the timeline and the price to a point. If Capital Gains is special because of time-linked shifts in pricing, why isn't freelance income.

    In my mind, income is income.

    You certainly can't choose the price in a capital gains situation - that is definitely a market determination; sure, you could sell for less than market it, but that would be pretty stupid and of no benefit.

    Capital gains isn't special because of price shifts over time, its special because the government is trying to spur investment - in addition to raising revenue, the tax code is largely a tool to get people to behave in a certain manner. The thought is that giving people a preferential rate on gains from investment encourages people to 1) invest in our economy 2) save for retirement. Whether it works or not is debated by economists and we could probably argue about it all day.

    I feel like I'm just repeating myself. I've already addressed that capital gains is not necessarily income.

    I'd love it if you could point out where you addressed this, because as a tax accountant, I'm having a hard time thinking of a time when a realized capital gain isn't income - if you have a realized net gain (ie amount realized is greater than your basis in the capital asset), you certainly have income. Certainly you could reinvest that net gain, but that doesn't mean you don't have income, that just means you realized a gain and reinvested the old basis and the gain (income). You're only taxed on realized gains that are recognized by the code (and you can net against realized losses) - sure, I could have an unrealized capital gain that isn't income, but I wouldn't be taxed on it either. Not that I don't agree with some of your points, but I'd really love the same clarification on this that most other posters have been asking for.

    I suppose what you are getting at as a trader is that you buy a capital asset for $1000 and sell two days latter for $1100, then reinvest the $1100 into another capital asset. You'd be taxed on the $100 of capital gain even though you effectively have no cash in your hands to pay the tax. Unfortunately for traders, income doesn't mean cash. But a person who was in the trade or business of being a professional trader wouldn't qualify for capital gains treatment anyways, it would all be ordinary income.

    Gobierno De Canarias. El Gobierno de Canarias firmó
  • El Gobierno de Canarias firmó

  • tonyoramos1
    Apr 24, 01:48 PM

    Glad we agree, but who would ever purchase an ACD? Buying an overpriced, inferiorly performing, glare-crazy Apple display device is the height of Apple brainwashing.

    It says a lot that my education college professors owned several back when they were $3000, yet complained about budget cuts. You know the study: Mac users are statistically hippy liberal douches. Like VW Bug owners.

    Gobierno De Canarias. del Gobierno de Canarias
  • del Gobierno de Canarias

  • batchtaster
    Nov 3, 05:23 AM
    We (the Mac community) should not let the security industry get a toe hold in OSX.

    Fascinating. Organized anarchy.

    Gobierno De Canarias. El Gobierno de Canarias pone
  • El Gobierno de Canarias pone

  • MonkeySee....
    Apr 26, 03:14 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    Dumb stats that are irrelevant. I haven't read the whole thread but I assume some has done a comparison of iPhone vs htc. Any other stats are irrelevant

    Gobierno De Canarias. El Gobierno de Canarias gasta
  • El Gobierno de Canarias gasta

  • ECUpirate44
    Mar 28, 10:39 AM
    Most phone consumers do not get a new phone on the day their contracts expire. That's yet another geek misconception about how the world works.

    I'd be shocked if Apple loses "many" of their customers to Android in 2011. Why on earth would they switch when they already have an iPhone that they love?

    I'll give you that. I should have said "some." In any case, I still think it's something to consider.

    Gobierno De Canarias. del Gobierno de Canarias
  • del Gobierno de Canarias

  • CalBoy
    May 3, 10:23 PM
    The advantage you're talking about here is one of degrees. One may be slightly faster than the other, but it's not a revolutionary shift to a better system. I would compare this sort of change to a small upgrade in processing power. The advantages of the metric system over imperial run much deeper than that, so it's a poor analogy.

    Can you cite reliable figures for the cost advantage versus the cost to switch?

    Gobierno De Canarias. Logo - Gobierno de Canarias
  • Logo - Gobierno de Canarias

  • LegendKillerUK
    Apr 25, 10:58 AM
    There could be a few reasons for the database.

    iAds - while Apple don't receive any information now, who knows if they may have intended to down the road for targeted iAds based on location. This point is pure speculation and not accusation.

    Device Upgrades - Have the database collect info on your current device, copy it to iTunes as part of the backup and dump it on a new device (Say you bought an iPhone 4 coming from a 3GS) Now the iPhone 4 knows what you're 3GS already did, so the new device is as 'smart' as the old one. Makes for a more seamless transition.

    Gobierno De Canarias. Unemployment in the Canary
  • Unemployment in the Canary

  • illbeback
    Apr 5, 04:34 PM
    Nope Apple is the ruler of all.

    The master of the universe and the company that knows better than you do.

    Just notice how they act.

    What they censor and how hypocritical they are.

    Only Uncle Steve can give you permission and he's never going to do that.

    He's GOD according to many fanboys here...

    All Hail Apple! (no special symbols needed). :) ha ha ha ha ha:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

    Gobierno De Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias
  • Gobierno de Canarias

  • PlipPlop
    Apr 26, 03:11 PM
    Well done Android, long may you reign over the smartphones.

    Gobierno De Canarias. del Gobierno de Canarias,
  • del Gobierno de Canarias,

  • Akme
    Mar 30, 08:35 PM
    Without editing code, plist or whatever, correct?

    Correct. I dragged it into trash. It removed normally. I then went to the applications folder and dragged it back. All worked flawlessly.

    Gobierno De Canarias. del Gobierno de Canarias
  • del Gobierno de Canarias

  • kreatre2011
    Apr 25, 10:00 AM
    Am I the only one who sees the threat of moving to Android as a petty attempt to get Steve to reply? The writer of this email obviously didn't do any research, and he obviously doesn't understand that Steve would see right through a threat like that. This whole thing is a non-issue. I don't care if someone knows where my iPhone has been. I'm worried about far more important things such as protecting my financial information, which I keep in an encrypted disk image in case my laptop gets stolen.

    Gobierno De Canarias. el Gobierno de Canarias.
  • el Gobierno de Canarias.

  • iScott428
    Mar 29, 03:41 PM
    The reason that simple, brainless product assembly is not done in the US has nothing to due with low quality. It is due to lower manufacturing costs in China, which has no regulations.

    There is no evidence at all that American-made products are of lower quality than any other country's products. (Is there any fighter jet better than the American-made F-16 or F-22?)

    Right I get that, and thats the point. On the military note does any country spend/waste more money than us on our armed forces. Not even close.

    Gobierno De Canarias. el Gobierno de Canarias ha
  • el Gobierno de Canarias ha

  • ebuc
    Jul 21, 05:40 PM
    True, but I like my Alu book look - I'd have no problem with a intel powered version. Although marketing being marketing, I'd like to see something new fresh, and awesome too.

    BTW ebuc, your sig is nearly exactly what I'm planning on having. Looking at a cube 450 for a home server, and I already have a 20gb iPod. Cubes, insanely great.

    <Apple Font>
    The All New
    Blogging (wtf)
    MacBook Pro
    A New Look for the Newest Laptop from Apple

    (Cubes are the greatest. Put a radeon 9000 in there if you can. Mine needs a new hard drive right now, but its been going strong for over 5 years. And, truth be told, this isn't the original hard drive, so I can't really blame Apple!)

    Gobierno De Canarias. Gobierno de Canarias
  • Gobierno de Canarias

  • miles01110
    Apr 25, 08:51 AM
    Yes. I'm sure that consolidated.db just appeared randomly and it's all a huge media conspiracy.

    Gobierno De Canarias. el Gobierno de Canarias en
  • el Gobierno de Canarias en

  • Radoo
    Apr 18, 03:57 PM
    shame really that Apple is resorting to Microsoft-esque tactics. If you can't beat em, just sue em, mentality.

    Thats like saying that Coca-Cola should sue Pepsi

    Xerox PARC should have aggressively sued Apple when the GUI was becoming commercialized.

    NO, Apple did not invent the first GUI Operating System. Xerox made the first GUI in their Alto systems. Xerox only sued (late for that matter) when Apple sued Microsoft for their GUI OS (Windows).

    Look's just like an iMac! :eek: almost... Stupid patents... Good for Xerox, too bad that playing fair is not helping these days...:mad:

    Gobierno De Canarias. del Gobierno de Canarias,
  • del Gobierno de Canarias,

  • Tsunami911
    Apr 5, 02:26 PM
    Did anyone seriously not see this coming. Who is the idiot at the ad company and Toyota that thought this might fly?

    Apr 26, 08:54 AM
    That colour scheme for the Lion background artwork is hideous.

    That is Fuji-san, and that's how it looks....

    Always nice when someone goes public with their ignorance...

    Mar 27, 02:42 PM
    hmmm some android phone it is then, and a new iPad for my iOS pleasure at some point. getting tired of the same UI after owning 3 iPhone generations

    George Knighton
    Dec 15, 09:07 PM
    I did notice that Time Machine really screws up the Sophos program. It will hang on the Time Machine Back up drive and just get stuck

    Well. That's no good.

    Aug 7, 06:40 PM
    Well it's certainly good to see new computers, but they really are aimed at high level tasks. These machines use server technology, rather than technology developed for the retail sector.

    Interesting points I see are the use of ECC RAM (this is not at all unusual for servers, but very expensive because it's usually paid for by a company's server budget), and I didn't see any mention of onboard hardware RAID, which is a bit disappointing when you've got all of this other fancy stuff going on.

    I'd also be interested to see, from an environmental perspective, how its power consumption levels compare with an equivalent consumer PC.

    Mar 29, 08:36 PM
    You are talking about imposing beliefs to a guy sporting a gay marriage signature (which I am all for, but I wouldn't want to push it down people's throats via my signature here, which btw is a political issue and the only way he gets away with is is because he's best pals with the moderators here)?

    Political signatures are quite common on MacRumours (look up a few posts for a sig "Alright Republicans, if you act as stupid as the guys you replaced... your a$$ will be on the street as well!" and others publicizing a Japanese college). I don't agree with calling a "civil rights" issue a "political" issue - although political pressure is needed to ensure that civil rights are respected.

    If I were "best pals" with the mods, I wouldn't be getting the occasional timeouts due to crossing the fuzzy line between debate and bickering.

    All of a sudden people can't offer their prayers to people suffering in Japan, because Aiden Shaw doesn't believe in God...whatever lola wants, as the song goes...:rolleyes: I would have banned this .... on the spot for calling someone's God a "spaghetti monster", it's one thing not to believe, and quite another to mock what someone holds sacred, but this guy is apparently un-bannable here...

    You complain about "imposing beliefs", but asking people to "say a prayer" on the forum is certainly pushing one's beliefs on others. I suggested "best wishes" and "keeping them in your thoughts" as an alternative that doesn't involve supernatural beings.

    And, by the way, the "flying spaghetti monster" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster) is part of a well-known movement (sometimes called the "Pastafarians") to preserve the concept of "separation of church and state" embodied in the US Constitution.

    If you ever see the FSM emblem
    on the car in front of you, you're behind a Pastafarian.

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