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Monday, May 9, 2011

rihanna hottest photo

rihanna hottest photo. Rihanna Hottest Pic - Page 2
  • Rihanna Hottest Pic - Page 2

  • CaoCao
    Mar 3, 11:03 PM
    If that's what you want to believe, fine. Respect my belief that it's perfectly fine, and stop making laws against me.
    no one is preventing you from living with the person you love or having sex with him
    Surely. Why do you believe you have any right or authority to dictate what two consulting adults should do or not?

    And, if you do believe you (or a religious book) have that authority, then may I make the following statement to be equally as valid as yours:

    Bill McEnaney should only engage in homosexual, sexually active relationships, and should never be engaged in heterosexual relationships, much less any that are anything but platonic.

    Do you believe in the validity of my statement. Why or why not?

    I look forward to your response.

    Invalid because it endorses something that could cause the collapse of society

    rihanna hottest photo. rihanna-hype
  • rihanna-hype

  • Jigga Beef
    Apr 27, 07:54 AM
    Yeah totally, its necessary to check it at every wi-fi hot-spot. Just to make sure wi-fi still exsist..

    rihanna hottest photo. Rihanna#39;s hottest
  • Rihanna#39;s hottest

  • MyDesktopBroke
    Mar 18, 07:16 AM
    How many times did Barack Obama attempt to draw a difference between himself and Hillary by saying "I was against the war from the beginning."? Lots.

    How many times did he attempt to portray himself as the polar opposite of George Bush, especially his foreign policy? Lots.

    How many times did he say that he was going to repair the view of America in the eyes of the Muslim world? Lots.

    How many times did he say he would talk to leaders of 'terrorist nations' without preconditions? Lots.

    The point is... he talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk. On foreign policy, he's more of the same. On everything else, especially domestic spending, he's much much worse.

    He did say all those things - but none of those make him a military dove, since in his debates with McCain he did extensively paint Afghanistan as the "right war," or the place were America "should have been." How many times did he promise to "find and kill" Bin Laden? Even before the debates he was openly pushing Afghan and Pakistan escalation.

    According to the Tea Party, he's doing everything he can to appease Muslims, too. While they obviously are using that as an attack, his speeches in the middle east and Egypt after his election showed a marked difference in communication and downplayed American exceptionalism. Plus, so far he hasn't had a request from a terrorist leader to talk, if I'm not mistaken, so that's not really a fair comparison.
    (I can't good youtube links for his Turkey speech - the one with the "not a Christian nation remark)

    Obviously he's failed on a lot of campaign promises - especially on the front of reversing Bush domestic policies like the PATRIOT act - but I'd argue that people who saw Obama as the anti-war candidate were the ones who didn't pay attention. The last part about spending doesn't really connect to this issue.

    rihanna hottest photo. some of Rihanna#39;s hottest
  • some of Rihanna#39;s hottest

  • thetexan
    Apr 27, 08:46 AM
    Didn't Google get in trouble for tagging SSIDs of hotspots when running their streetview vans through town? How is this any different, besides the fact you're the van instead of Google?

    rihanna hottest photo. Rihanna+hottest+music+
  • Rihanna+hottest+music+

  • TripHop
    Jun 17, 05:51 AM
    West Coast corporate store. At 10AM Paciific they had white codes to order with but no orders were possible due to the overload. So my store manager put all the orders on paper and manually placed them with corporate later in the day over the telephone. He thinks he's getting one WHITE 32 for me and will let me know Tuesday when he gets a copy of the shipping manifest. :eek:

    rihanna hottest photo. Rihanna+hottest+outfits
  • Rihanna+hottest+outfits

  • bdkennedy1
    Apr 11, 12:18 PM
    Good. I'm tired of this yearly battle of upgrades.

    rihanna hottest photo. Rihanna was photographed
  • Rihanna was photographed

  • NJRonbo
    Jun 14, 06:52 PM
    The situation gets worse for Radio Shack....


    Update 2: We've been tipped that Apple may now be blocking third-party retailers from taking pre-orders altogether tomorrow. RadioShack already changed its story on us, and now Best Buy locations have started doing the same, telling us that they definitely won't be taking pre-orders tomorrow but may be by the end of the week. Bottom line -- hit up Apple's website in the morning.

    rihanna hottest photo. Is Rihanna hot or not?
  • Is Rihanna hot or not?

  • ten-oak-druid
    Mar 22, 04:24 PM
    This is just a preview of the future, Android based tablets will clean the iPads clock. Apple made the so-called iPad 2 as a 1.5. Low res camera, not enough RAM, and low res screen. It's going to be a verrrry long 2012 for Apple. Sure it's selling like hot cakes now, but when buyers see tablets that they don't have to stand inline for, that have better equipment and are cheaper ... Apples house of cards will come crashing down around them.

    The only strength that Apple has is the app ecosystem; which is why they are going after Amazon for spiting on the sidewalk. They know the world of hurt coming their way.

    It will be hard for the ipad competition to play the same game they play with computers. You know, subsidizing decent computers with bulk sales of low end devices. They tried this with tablets and they failed. Tablets are a luxury above and beyond a personal computer. No one buying a Dell for $300 is going to add on a tablet.

    So how are they going to match Apple's price with the same quality if they can't subsidize with low end garbage? Well samsung did it by using contracts. That is why you find it on amazon rankings not as a tablet but as a mobile phone.

    So take your pick. An ipad or a competitor of equal quality with a 2 year contract.

    I wonder if Samsung ever sold those 2 million units of the original galaxy that they shipped? And what was the true return rate anyway?

    rihanna hottest photo. rihanna hottest photo. bible
  • rihanna hottest photo. bible

  • gibbz
    Mar 25, 10:36 PM
    What? this seems hard to believe... Already done on development? :confused:

    Development is never done.

    rihanna hottest photo. Rihanna+hottest+photo
  • Rihanna+hottest+photo

  • awesomebase
    Mar 31, 07:08 PM
    Google's "openness" reminds me of the days when people got all excited about being able to use different fonts and font sizes... sure it is exciting to see the possibilities and to be able to "customize" your documents, etc., but in the end, you only end up using a hand full of them (despite thousands of them being available), and most of what is being used is STILL what was the default choices back then.
    Just like a kid that thinks they're going to be greater and better than those older than them because they know better; well, surprise, surprise... Google has turned out to be worse than IBM or Microsoft or Apple ever was. The deal with them will just keep getting worse and worse until people come up with genuine alternatives to their constant lying and deceptiveness (oh, yes, picking up 10M wi-fi SSIDs was purely accidental...).
    I don't blame them for having to switch gears on this... I blame them for not being able to see 5 mins in front of their face on this issue (like so many other things) and insisting that "they're" correct every time it is obvious to everyone outside their company that they're not...

    rihanna hottest photo. cases Rihanna+hottest
  • cases Rihanna+hottest

  • adamfilip
    Aug 27, 08:53 AM
    You're screwing up, intel. We don't want 300 trillion transistors on a 1 nm die. We want longer battery life. Idiots.

    I think you are missing the point
    just cause a processor has 300 quadrillion transistors doesnt mean it will consume a huge amount of power.

    if they released a memron that ran at 200mhz but lasted 24 hrs. would you buy it.. eventho it would be painfully slow?

    its hard to balance Performance demands and power consumption

    rihanna hottest photo. Adele: Rihanna#39;s hot and I
  • Adele: Rihanna#39;s hot and I

  • baryon
    Mar 26, 08:31 AM
    Unless I'm missing something, Mission Control is added in addition to Expos� as it is now. The old functionality will still be there. As for it being "ruined," a couple of days before the Lion preview the graphic artist I work with most was describing changes he wished they'd make to Expos� and we were laughing together a few days later when we watched the preview and boom, there it was. Incidentally, he makes his living off what he does with his "real" computer.

    Unfortunately Expos� as you have it today is gone in Lion, and is replaced by Mission Control. What you still have in Lion is Expos� for the current app, which sort of defeats its purpose as most apps only have a single or not many windows open (thanks to tabs in Safari, etc...).

    You no longer have expos� for all windows, which annoys me! You can also no longer see ALL your open windows in one glance, as you could zoom out of Spaces and do an Expos� before. Now you have to flick through all of your spaces one by one in Mission Control to see all your windows. And the icons for each space are tiny, making it very difficult to figure out what's on that space. I have no idea what was wrong with Spaces and Expos� in Leopard, why they needed to change Expos� in Snow Leopard, and why they needed to remove these features altogether in Lion. They were probably the best things in OS X.

    rihanna hottest photo. Rihanna+hottest+music+
  • Rihanna+hottest+music+

  • PetMac
    Aug 27, 03:38 PM
    Long live PBG5NT. It reminds us how great it is to have frequent updates and powerful portables again.

    rihanna hottest photo. hair colors hot new newest
  • hair colors hot new newest

  • mazola
    Sep 19, 12:02 PM
    Maybe Apple will offer a FREE updated MBP as incentive to renew .Mac memberships.

    MAYBE !!!

    rihanna hottest photo. live Rihanna+hottest
  • live Rihanna+hottest

  • shelterpaw
    Aug 11, 04:05 PM
    Well, I had been screwed about 4x as much as a typical cell user... Prolific!

    rihanna hottest photo. Rihanna+hottest+outfits
  • Rihanna+hottest+outfits

  • Antares
    Sep 13, 11:55 AM
    and this got negative votes because...??????????


    One reason this is negative is because there were no performance numbers given.

    rihanna hottest photo. Rihanna in a bikini
  • Rihanna in a bikini

  • milozauckerman
    Jul 27, 06:49 PM
    looking at reference systems - for $2049, Gateway's Core 2 Duo gets the 2.4GHz/4MB L2 cache Conroe, 2GB of RAM from the factory, an x1900 512MB graphics card, 320GB hard drive, card reader and DL DVD burner.

    Apple had better step its game up compared to the prices/specs rumored last week. A weak graphics card and 512MB of RAM aren't going to cut it in the low tower, even if it does have XEON INSIDE or whatever the marketing pitch will be to distract us.

    EDIT: Dell would be even cheaper, with a lesser video card, but there doesn't seem to be a way to separate the XPS 410 from the included 20in monitor as of now.

    rihanna hottest photo. rihanna hot pink dress,
  • rihanna hot pink dress,

  • NAG
    Mar 31, 02:56 PM
    If there's any truth to the Google Android prototype phone being Blackberry-like, then Google is merely pulling a Microsoft by copying Apple's success. Otherwise, why wouldn't Google have continued down that path?

    What do you mean "if"? (http://www.engadget.com/2007/11/12/a-visual-tour-of-androids-ui/)

    rihanna hottest photo. of Rihanna#39;s hottest looks
  • of Rihanna#39;s hottest looks

  • technicolor
    Sep 19, 10:05 PM
    Speaking personally, I don't see a problem with it.

    They've always had updates roughly every 3-6 months, of one kind or another.
    Yeah and they werent in Macs, so I didnt care.

    Apr 19, 01:21 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/19/analysis-of-apples-lawsuit-against-samsung-includes-ios-device-sales-numbers/)


    Jul 20, 09:59 AM
    I got it!

    The Macintosh Quadra!

    No, wait . . . .

    Well, the 80's have made a comeback, who's to say the 90's won't be returning anytime soon?

    Sep 19, 10:24 AM
    35 mins til 9......the apple store is still healthy ....new product update unlikely to happen :(

    Nov 28, 07:50 PM
    Actually, they do. They also got paid on every blank tape sold when cassettes were big. I think it is crazy for everyone to think that the music industry is greedy when it getting squeezed out of all of their revenue streams. So, Apple makes hundreds of millions off of their back on the itunes site, and a billion off of iPod sales, and they cannot share in the wealth?

    It doesn't cost the consumer any more, why wouldn't you want the people who actually make the music you are listening to get compensated?

    This debate is stale. People want something for nothing.

    That's it!.... I'm not buying any more tapes...

    Actually I think two things should happen:
    1) Universal should pay an anual feel to be on ITS.
    2) Universal should pay a further industry fee to Apple (or DAP manufacturers) to go towards DRM R&D.

    Blue Velvet
    Mar 23, 11:29 AM
    I certainly realize that the circumstances are different, but the fact remains, we launched missiles at another country.

    You've been doing it since the 1940s without congressional approval. Why so concerned about it now? Why this particular president? Were you personally concerned when it was done in Bosnia or Iraq? Do you realise that missiles have been launched into Pakistan from drones for many years, yet no declaration of war on Pakistan...

    Or are you just parroting the latest conservative reason to oppose Obama's actions? Obama: whatever he's for, I'm against. Is that it?

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