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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Fitness Model

fitness modelNow a days people are take care of their health and fitness. There are lots of product related healths and fitness to attract more customer and these industries are booming like a fire. Millions dollar of health and fitness product are sold each and every year. So company require fitness model to modeling their product. if model is athletes then it is great. Many models are working for health and fitness magazine. There is also tough competition between professional fitness, professional athletes and body builders.

There is a very hectic schedule for fashion model to maintain a physic so model should always take healthy meals and snacks with protein and fruits and veggies. There are very essential for healthy physic. So eat clean and healthy and do exercise.

Fitness Woman Model
1. Height must be between 5'5 to 6'0
2. Tight body, healthy skin, clear eyes and well tone
3. Take lots of water
4. Do physical activity like running, swimming, jumping etc.

Submit photo to model agency with show off legs, stomach and all very strong part.

Submit one photo with great smile.

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