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Monday, May 9, 2011

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  • mi5moav
    Sep 11, 09:11 AM
    Can't wait, especially for photokina. Hopefully, that new Apple VideoCamera will make it's appearance. I need one so badly. My brother is having a kid and I need something youtube. Can't wait Can't wait.

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  • benhollberg
    Nov 9, 01:51 PM
    I am curious; I seldom find anything is free. How does Sophos recover his investment in this project?

    I believe that it used to cost money but it was mainly for business users. My guess is that now they decided to also go for the average consumer and they probably want to get people to see them and recognize their name at first. I could be completely wrong though.

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 18, 02:49 PM
    Samsung will come up with actual numbers sold, not shipped, finally. Apple will see how few it is and drop the suit.

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  • iliketyla
    Mar 29, 04:19 PM
    Ah... dude... yes they have had suicides there... 11 attempts in 5 months out of 300,000 employees.

    You do realize this is lower than the US actual suicide rate of 11 per-100K per-year.

    Sorry... but I hate it when people and the press use "drama" to make a point and in reality... the Chinese workers at Foxconn are no different than your average US citizen.

    Link please.

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  • macnerd93
    Apr 26, 02:14 PM
    I thought Android was a terrible OS, but I am still extremely impressed that iOS is where it is. Considering a lot of manufactures are using Android now, this is still pretty impressive iOS is able to be the second from the top on three devices iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, although the report does state mobile phone usage so it might just include the iPhone and not the other two i mentioned

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  • tgdbowler
    Mar 28, 10:37 AM
    If Apple waits till September, this would put the Verizon iPhone 6-7 months old and possibly release both NEW versions at the same time.

    If Apple waits till Febraury, this would put the Verizon iPhone at 1 year old and release both NEW versions at the same time.

    In Apple’s view, this is how the release schedule should be: releasing both versions at the same time so it's competition can't update their phones before the iPhone hits the Verizon network 6 months later.

    Say what you want about hardware issues, etc... They are trying to sync up the release schedules for both iPhone versions.

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  • Eddyisgreat
    Apr 7, 02:58 PM
    But if Apple becomes the dominant player because, heck, they're so big that they can simply BUY THEIR WAY to the top, then that's not really fair for anybody, is it?

    Is this a joke? It's a freaking tablet not medicine or baby supplies. How the fudge do they buy their way to the top? Do they coerce customers to buy them? WOW. REALLY?

    If the lamebook or whatever the heck was that hot RIM would have no problem finding production.

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  • �algiris
    May 4, 03:45 PM
    So I guess we'll all just send you our AT&T Internet Bills when we go over their newly implemented data usage caps? :eek:


    You sound like every Mac OS X user is located in the US.

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  • Daveoc64
    May 4, 03:00 PM
    Look, I'm not talking about what's allowed. I'm talking about what's possible. The post I'm replying to specifically said "abuse" in it. If we're talking about people breaking the rules, the question is: What's going to stop them?

    With Snow Leopard the answer is nothing, really.

    I said "abuse" because I think there's a clear difference between installing the same App (regardless of what it is) on computers that I own and installing that App on a computer that I don't own.

    While Apple's rules allow it, I don't think that it was their intention to allow one copy of the OS to be installed on virtually any machine.

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  • paul4339
    Apr 7, 02:49 PM
    I can say CONFIDENTLY that the war is NOT over. It's been what 2 years? No way. Apple may have the upper hand in the battle but has NOT won the war.

    I agree, things have just begun... the iPad just came out about 12 months ago.


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  • wclyffe
    Dec 4, 06:37 PM
    Hey guys I just called BLT and they said that they do not have an updated ETA on when they will be receiving a shipment. It almost makes me want to just go to the apple store and pick one up, it is just so hard to give up on 30% off... sigh.

    Are you sure your Apple store has them in stock? I checked one here in LA while I happen to be there and they were out of them, too! On the online Apple store, it still says 7-10 days for delivery so maybe we should all hang in there.

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  • Me1000
    Aug 2, 09:10 PM
    does anyone else notice that on intels site, the core2 duo is only refered to in PC's????

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  • Michael Scrip
    Apr 26, 03:01 PM
    Once again, Apple's stubborn insistance on not licensing out their OS will lead to the marginalization of their hardware. Once iOS hardware is marginalized, you'll see developers shift their focus away to the Android platform -- which will see better app releases and better integration between mobile and tablet OS.

    The handwriting is on the wall for Apple. They lost the desktop battle because they were too focused on short-term profit (selling the computer + software) and now they've lost the mobile battle because they were, again, too focused on short-term profit (selling the phone + the OS).

    Apple is a hardware company! That's what they do!

    Of course Google licenses out their Android OS... that's all they can do.

    You keep saying "Apple lot the battle..."

    Which battle is that? Apple just sold 18 million iPhones this past quarter... and 16 million iPhones the previous quarter. Any other manufacturer would KILL for those numbers... especially considering Apple only makes 5 phones. How many Android phones are there?

    "Android" is simply some software from Google that you can find on 50+ phones. Sure... if you combine them all, their numbers are greater than Apple's numbers.

    But market share isn't the goal... that's just a fanboy argument.

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  • xfiftyfour
    Jul 29, 09:29 PM
    fortunately, i'm on cingular - great coverage, great phones, and a great probability of finding the supposed iPhone in the lineup.

    but, that would be admitting to actually believing this rumor, which, well.. what's the saying become? "new powerbooks next tuesday!" if you know what i mean...

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  • paradox00
    May 4, 03:16 PM
    Here's my problem with this distribution method for an OS:

    I have 4 Macs in my house. Previously, I'd buy a Family License DVD and go from machine to machine installing it.

    If I have to DL it from the App Store, I've got to download it 4 times! I don't care about paying for multiple licenses... I do care about blowing out my internet bandwidth downloading the same multi-gigabyte file 4 times. :mad:

    There had better be a physical-media option!

    From the article:
    "Apple is said to presumably be planning to also release Mac OS X Lion on physical media to support users who are running older Mac OS X versions incompatible with the Mac App Store or who have slow Internet connections that would make downloading the large update unwieldy."

    From the source article:
    "While the Mac App Store will be the preferred method for installing Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, set for release this summer, it's logical to presume that Apple will also offer an optical disc for people who may not have broadband. At least person with knowledge of the situation claims that this will indeed be the case "for those with slower connections, or [for those who for whatever reason do] not want to download it.""

    Furthermore, what if the app store download is just a dmg that allows you to burn it to a disk or copy it to a thumb drive? Wouldn't that alleviate your concerns too? Way too early to be getting bent out of shape over this.

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  • iphone3gs16gb
    Mar 26, 09:34 PM
    Don't listen to this crap...

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  • wizard
    Mar 29, 04:11 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Always looking at the negative side of things. Maybe a little radiation will lead to higher power densities.

    These jokes just aren't funny.

    It's too early for this. Maybe it will never not be too early for this, but please have some sensitivity for people who have friends/family/are themselves in affected areas.

    Actually, Japanese companies manufacturing products in Japan is extremely inefficient due to the high cost, and due primarily to protectionism and racial pride. The Japanese domestic market is known for being highly inefficient.

    Do you have any evidence for this?

    Who is joking here?

    A better battery is highly improbable. However if you only look at the dark side of an event you pass up any chance of benefitting from it. Certainly it isn't good to have your nukes melt down but this is also a learning opportunity. That is if people can look at what is happening objectively. If all you see is people getting irradiated then you aren't looking at the bigger picture.

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  • adbe
    Apr 5, 02:24 PM
    JB is not illegal, and even if it were, I highly doubt Apple would go after individuals. Sure, it voids your warranty - but thats a risk.

    I didn't say it was illegal. I just don't agree that it's a right. If you can find a way into your device, good luck to you, but you should expect there to be one.

    I don't think iOS devices should be open to jail breaking. That's not a moral stance though, it's just that I expect Apple to not write crap code[1] with gaping security holes that leave my device open to root-kitting or similar.

    [1] .. alright I don't. I fully expect them to write crap code.

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  • troop231
    Mar 29, 01:50 PM
    gynecologist?? :D

    You rang? :p

    Apr 18, 05:07 PM
    Odd, the link you included in your argument states the Prada was "announced" on December 12, 2006.

    The iPhone was announced on January 9, less than one month later.

    And the Prada looks more like a BlackBerry than an iPhone to me. The Prada and iPhone are almost nothing alike, aside from the size and shape of the earhole.

    LG Prada won a DESIGN award (meaning image was released) for LG Prada in Sep 2006.


    LG Electronics has claimed the iPhone's design was copied from the LG Prada. Woo-Young Kwak, head of LG Mobile Handset R&D Center, said at a press conference, “We consider that Apple copied the Prada phone after the design was unveiled when it was presented in the iF Design Award and won the prize in September 2006.”

    Apr 7, 03:58 PM
    Apple is anticompetitive and should be shut down. By producing products customers want when others in the industry can't, they are forcing the competition out of business.

    Thanks for the feedback, comrade.

    All Apple did was created a premium brand. Technology was cheap and affordable in the MP3 market. You could pick up an MP3 player for under a $100 bucks until Apple came into the market with its $300 dollar iPod.

    Bear in mind that the original iPod was the only one with the combination of capacity (5GB) and physical size (pocketable) that made it attractive to the general market. The Creative Nomad of the time looked like my old portable Sony CD player. :(

    So it's not that Apple created a market for devices at a particular price point - they created the devices people wanted to buy. At the right price. There was nothing "premium" about the original iPod when you saw what you got for the money. The equivalent 2.5" hard drive of that capacity at the time was selling for as much as the iPod.

    Apr 4, 03:42 PM
    Only for a year. Fill up that 20 Gigs and a year later you can either empty it down to the free 5, or pony up.

    Not if you buy your music from Amazon and have it saved to your cloud storage be default. All mp3 purchases from Amazon (so long as cloud storage is set as your default when purchasing) are stored free in the cloud and don't count against your storage limit. You can download it to your Mac/PC later (while leaving it in the Amazon cloud) and add it into your iTunes library on your local storage if you'd like.

    This is actually a much better thing for me, as if I'm away from my home computer, I can still buy music, have it go to the cloud by default, and immediately have it available to both any computer that runs the cloud player and my phone without having to wait to go home and purchase through iTunes and sync a device.

    May 3, 09:11 PM
    EDIT: assume we split in two groups but then we get back together in the same room and stay together.
    if both groups move to the same room, and there are monsters, which group gets attacked? do the groups combine their stats in the battle?
    another scenario: we are in the start room, i split myself away and search the start room, while the other 6 move into the next room (so they are good with monsters). turn 2 the search the second room and i join them back. this way we search 2 rooms and move in one round, without splitting the group.

    Whichever team enters the room first, turn order-wise, fights the monster.

    Your second scenario is allowed.

    Could I just explore the first room and save a turn for later(I'm not necessarily wanting to do this, just asking if it's possible)?

    No, heroes can't save turns for later, only the villain can do that.

    Apr 16, 01:23 AM
    And I don't expect that any Chinese business man pays close to what they should on paper. We have loopholes in the tax code. They have loopholes in general.

    Given you get the death penalty for tax evasion I would expect people would be pretty keen to pay their taxes.

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