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Monday, May 9, 2011

Eventing Show Jumping

Eventing Show Jumping. eventing: Show Jumping,
  • eventing: Show Jumping,

  • Piggie
    Apr 22, 07:56 AM
    Clean your glasses.

    I take it, you do not see this ahead?

    A world without Books, CD's or DVD's for sale in charity shops to help fund services in need.
    A world there you cannot give a CD, DVD, Book etc that you no longer want to a family friend as a gift.
    A world where you cannot sell on a Book, CD, DVD, Game to get a little bit of money back, perhaps to buy a new thing you want.

    This to me seems where the industry wants to take us.
    Everything is purchased by the individual, can only be used by the individual and locked totally to them, so it can never be passed on, given away, or sold by yourself to anyone else.

    Can no one else see this is where it COULD go if we all just "go along with it"

    Eventing Show Jumping. day eventing, show jumping
  • day eventing, show jumping

  • User3977
    Mar 29, 11:33 AM
    dont think i saw it posted but one issue i have is that the iOS is on one device, the others are on how many devices made by how many makers? RIM is the only one like apple single os on single device and they just evolved to slow to keep up i think.

    Eventing Show Jumping. eventing, show jumping,
  • eventing, show jumping,

  • CrackedButter
    Sep 19, 05:29 PM
    My point is...

    1) The Movies take up huge amounts of storage space.
    2) I hate having to always plug external drives into my iBook.
    3) We need redundancy for storing these movies we buy. An "external HD" just won't cut it.
    4) If I want to take my iBook on the road with me, then how are the other people in my house going to access the Movies and other media via iTV if it's stored on my iBook or some "external HD" which requires a host computer to be of any use.

    1) Thanks for reminding me, i forgot that fact.
    2) But you'll happily have a RAID array and plug THAT into your iBook?
    3) Yeah you said, a RAID array... a sort of external HD, but in an array.
    4) If you take your iBook on the road with you, then how are the other people in your house going to access the movies and other media via iTV if its stored on your "RAID array" which requires a host computer to be of any use?

    You have high expectations for Apple then? Its going to be some RAID array!

    Eventing Show Jumping. show jumping event during
  • show jumping event during

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 4, 11:47 AM
    Talk about the real ipad killer!

    I have no mercy for anybody committing crimes.
    Why are so many people on the side of robbers, gangsters and worry about their child hoods, abuse etc.etc.

    We all have issues and don't snap or go stealing.

    If somebody shows they don't want to be part of an orderly society and don't follow their rules,
    live and die with the consequences!

    As somebody posted already the security guard was put into a stress situation and once more and more facts come out
    some lawyers (if this goes to court) will be digging into his life to find an angle that he is really the guilty party in all of this.

    Plus, I am almost certain he will be "fired" or as they say "reassigned"

    Eventing Show Jumping. in the show jumping phase.
  • in the show jumping phase.

  • Sabenth
    Aug 23, 05:35 PM
    Cameront9 thats what iam thinking whats this zen gona use that an ipod in its current format dosnt use except wifi and xbox live stuff

    Eventing Show Jumping. and show jumping,
  • and show jumping,

  • 124151155
    Apr 15, 09:02 AM
    It's be a good idea if Thunderbolt was capable of handling USB 3 as well, like the thunderbolt port in the MacBook Pro can also do mini display.
    I guess that way it'd at least be used more, but also nobody would be uncertain about getting Thunderbolt because they know even if it is a flop the port is still useful...

    Eventing Show Jumping. Show jumping
  • Show jumping

  • destroyboredom
    Mar 30, 01:06 PM
    And what does that have to do with the app store trademark? He doesn't mention "app store" does he?

    No mention of App store. I was just watching the video recently and found it interesting.

    Eventing Show Jumping. accuracy of show jumping.
  • accuracy of show jumping.

  • Dorkington
    Apr 25, 09:29 AM
    Slow driving in the fast lane? I'll be slightly annoyed, but wait for a save moment and pass them on the right. Even if it's "illegal" in some states, those same states have laws against cruising in the left lane. Then again, I rarely drive more than 5-10mph over the speed limit, and tend to cruise in the middle lanes, or wherever there is the most room around me. I don't see how getting to where I'm going 5 minutes faster is a big enough deal for me to get angry, or endanger myself or others.

    Eventing Show Jumping. of eventing, show jumping
  • of eventing, show jumping

  • TMay
    Apr 22, 12:24 PM
    True, but I doubt Apple will put them in their machines and/or peripherals. I'd love to keep a third offsite backup of my information with BDXL, and I can with 3rd party hardware.

    I think one of the biggest things holding me back though is the price of the discs.

    Same here! 100% same here!

    I have been holding back on buying a 13" Air for the backlit keyboard and Thunderbolt.

    If I get both it'll be a definite buy. If I get just TB, then I may just consider the MBP.

    Taiyo Yuden bd-r are under 2 bucks for 25GB. That's not a big deal in my opinion.

    Eventing Show Jumping. Eventing, Show Jumping,
  • Eventing, Show Jumping,

  • spiderman0616
    Apr 28, 03:49 PM
    Microsoft lets too many things die on the vine. Everything has to be run up the flagpole to get the green light, and that whole process takes so long that nothing truly innovative ever happens.

    Windows 7 is awesome, Office 2010 is awesome, and I sure do love my Xbox 360, but right now, mobile gadgets sell. Zune was a bust, Courier looked amazing but was cancelled for some reason (I REALLY wanted a Courier), and Windows Phone 7.....jury's out. I would buy a Windows 7 phone before I'd buy an Android phone, but who knows what kind of lasting support it's going to have. Maybe when Nokia is making these in full force I'll take another look.

    I've been saying it for the last year, and I'll say it again--Microsoft is in a death spiral. The days of people camping out in line for the next version of Windows are over.

    Eventing Show Jumping. eventing, show jumping,
  • eventing, show jumping,

  • ezekielrage_99
    Aug 29, 08:06 AM
    Me too!

    Does your MacBook have a 5-7 day wait? C2D will be sweet :cool:

    Eventing Show Jumping. Eventing, Show Jumping and
  • Eventing, Show Jumping and

  • LarryC
    Apr 14, 12:17 PM
    I do know that USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt are really great, but it bothers me that Apple seems to be abandoning Firewire. I always thought of Firewire as an apple technology. I've read that there are now Firewire 1600 and 3200 technologies.

    I do hope that Apple will adopt the new USB standard. I see USB as being much more useful for average users than Thunderbolt. I was really surprised years ago when I found that my new iPod was unable to use the Firewire cable that my first iPod used.

    Eventing Show Jumping. eventing, show-jumping etc
  • eventing, show-jumping etc

  • TsMkLg068426
    Apr 22, 12:31 PM
    I hope this service will be free or else it is really pointless just saying. Great idea but I worry there will be a price for using a Cloud service and probably only available for only the purchases you made on iTunes not CDs you have ripped. I am assuming in few days if this Cloud service comes to live there will be a iOS update again and hopefully this will work with 4th Gen iPod Touch I do not see why it will not work.

    Eventing Show Jumping. and Eventing Show Jumping!
  • and Eventing Show Jumping!

  • miamijim
    Apr 4, 12:48 PM
    OMG.. I'm with Felt. "Security Guards" shouldn't carry guns, and if they do there should be training and good sense that goes into using it. Shooting the suspects in the head is criminal.

    I am sure if he pulled off a head shot he has had all the training he could need... now counseling that is another issue.

    But the way I see it is this, they went out to commit crime, they were armed. Therefore if it all went tits up they are not only guilty of the crime but they are also guilty of failing to plan and execute the crime in a reasonable manner.

    Fail on all counts, inept criminals and now dead criminals, is this any real loss to society I think not.

    Don't get me wrong I am a fairly liberal minded guy, but I do feel that if you go equipped to kill and the outcome is that you die, the law has been served in this case.

    Now if only all criminals who went out with the tools to commit murder or even aggravated manslaughter could just as easily be put down with a head shot then the world may just become a better place.

    Eventing Show Jumping. Eventing, Show Jumping,
  • Eventing, Show Jumping,

  • Dorkington
    Apr 25, 09:24 AM
    IMO, progressive does not equal big government. In fact, progressives and conservatives probably want the same overall size, but weighted in different directions. Social vs Defense.

    Eventing Show Jumping. eventing ,show jumping and
  • eventing ,show jumping and

  • juicedropsdeuce
    Mar 22, 03:25 PM
    As an ex-kid I take extreme offense to that statement. Besides, are you really going to tell me Apple makes sense all the time? I guarantee Apple made more money off the 24inch iMac than they did the MacPro for that period...now, with the introduction of the 27inch they wanted to diversify the iMac line more so...hence the 21.5.

    My beef with your original statement stands (as its UBER subjective)...why is a 24inch screen "useless"? What if Apple came out with a 14inch MBP, and I said the 15inch was "useless". Uhhh, thats called an OPINION...look it up grand dad;)

    Sounds like you'd be interested in a nice Windows7 machine. Enjoy. :rolleyes:

    Eventing Show Jumping. eventing, show jumping,
  • eventing, show jumping,

  • Prom1
    Jan 1, 05:48 PM
    It makes sense. iProducts are increasingly becoming ubiquitous, therefore they will become more profitable for malware developers to attack. It's not a McAfee sales pitch so much as it's stating the obvious. Same with Android.

    I'm sorry but for 10 YEARS McAfee, Symantec, and other smaller players have tried to push this junk on the LARGEST distributed smartphone platform in the world - EVEN today its THE LARGEST (though dwindling VERY fast) - S60 Symbian. Although that platform has its own issues with security the amount of security holes in it is STILL minimal: address book plagiarizing, taking BT control to browse file system (which was patched by Nokia VERY quickly), and a few others.

    Point being that if the OS is secure enough to begin with and patches & updates are made & distributed QUICKLY & TIMELY by Apple or Google for their respective platforms then its quite possible this is just FUD at ground roots.

    Yes. Absolutely. A closed filesystem where you're only able to download anything significant through a moderated app store is going to be riddled with viruses. :rolleyes:

    I do recall a particular Camera app in the AppStore that was VERY VERY popular just 3months ago that took address book information and served it out to a server! This got through your "moderated app store" with complete ease and remained available for quite a few months before being pulled (both the store and during sync as well).

    Eventing Show Jumping. for eventing/show jumping
  • for eventing/show jumping

  • Warbrain
    Apr 20, 10:59 AM
    This has nothing to do with GPS or Location Services and turning those off won't change that. It also has nothing to do with tracking your whereabouts.

    The file contains a log of the cell towers you connected to and when. That's it. This is why the dots are in grids that get bigger the as you leave populated areas and routinely include places you haven't been within 30 miles of.

    This information is most likely used for connection quality monitoring and caching for Assisted GPS cold starts. It is also the same information stored by your cell phone provider no matter what phone you use. As such, "Big Brother" already has the ability to access to this information.

    At this point, the only person potentially aided by this discovery is a suspicious spouse.

    This is what I'm thinking; just need to wait to see what else comes out.

    Eventing Show Jumping. Show Jumping and Cross
  • Show Jumping and Cross

  • Ankit1088
    Apr 25, 12:52 PM

    May 3, 11:26 AM
    "Macworld has confirmation from Apple that the new iMacs will support Target Display Mode but only when the device they are connected to is also a Thunderbolt equipped Mac."

    Is that true?

    If this is true, then the new 27" iMacs will not serve as a mirror device for the iPad 2 (which shoots out video at 1080 p).

    Sep 26, 04:40 PM
    Yeah I don't think that is going to happen. I can't see Apple making a CDMA phone just for Verizon/Sprint. Making a GSM phone, especially if it is quad-band, would allow them to only make 1 phone for the world market.

    Right, so problem #1 is the huge number of Verizon/Sprint customers in the US Apple would be giving up just for the sake of saving the engineering time to replace a radio chip. There's no way they can give up 60 million or so potential customers and say to their investors, "yeah, but we'll save a million dollars over the next three years by doing it."

    Problem #2 is that there are countries/regions where CDMA is more prevalent than GSM or where GSM doesn't exist at all. Some of it has to due with terrain, some of it is political. There are lists on the web you can google for which countries use which technology.

    I was hoping Apple would be the first company to use software-defined radios and make this a non-issue. I was bummed when I read they switch to COTS parts for the quick buck on iTunes. Maybe the other two rumored phones which are supposed to come later will be the one we were hoping for. June 2007?

    Cingular has their priorities wrong. They go for the rural markets, where people don't want to have anything to do with cell phones, and they ignore the big cities.

    Huh? I've never seen Cingular coverage in any rural areas. Maybe in the mid-south but the rest of the country isn't so uniform.

    When will we see global releases of iTunes stuff?

    When your local media cartel decides to play ball. You think Apple doesn't want to be selling into your market for nearly $0 their cost?

    Oct 13, 12:25 AM
    I really can't believe some of the posts that have been made here.

    To suggest that the people of Africa deserve to be wiped out by aids as they haven't evolved or kept up with the rest of the world is beyond contempt. I want to say something else but I'm just totally lost for words by your comments.

    Yet another person who apparently either does not know how to read, or chooses to only read a portion of a discussion...

    Nobody in their right mind would ever say that anyone deserves to be wiped out by a disease because their lifestyle and culture are different. That's a completely asinine and foolish line of reasoning. If you read closely, you'd see that the discussion was over (1) whether it is our place to impose our will, our culture, and our system of education on a society that has opposed that very idea all along, and (2) whether that imposition, if it were even possible, would solve the problem, or if the problem is instead more deeply rooted in that culture as a whole and is beyond repair by education and contraception.

    It's a perfectly valid, intelligent, and reasonable discussion. It has nothing to do with approving of genocide or allowing the spread of disease. It's far more important than that.

    I notice no one has commented on the Pope and the Catholic Church forbidding the use of condoms and the effect that has on spreading infection even further.

    Oh boy... the Catholic Church is WAY too easy of a target. We should probably leave that one alone.

    Apr 19, 08:43 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Do no buckle to these power hungry tyrants Samsung. The stinger you fight, the more I will buy your products in the future.

    I note that you posted this from your iphone!:eek:

    Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 19, 11:36 AM
    I'm well aware of that, but many here have no idea that Samsung is much bigger than Apple.

    Every time I hear someone say, "Apple should buy Samsung" it just really solidifies in my mind that a lot of people here are in fact just mindless drones to the Apple logo. Another thing people forget is that Samsung makes the chips technology that Apple assembles into a pretty little package and re-brands "iPhone/iPad"

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