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Friday, May 13, 2011

hot justin bieber 2011 pictures

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  • kristoffer4
    Mar 31, 03:24 AM
    Am I the only one having problems with the following default (moronified) settings?

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  • adbe
    Apr 5, 02:40 PM
    While I agree in a sense, it's commonly known that there's no way to plug every hole, so you're scooping out water from a sinking ship with a cup. Every iOS device has been jailbroken since release, many several times using several exploits. There will never be a day when a software company will be smarter than the hacking community... software companies can't afford to buy them all :-)

    The hacking community isn't any smarter than the people at Apple. The tools used by the jailbreak community, and by Charlie Miller are standard tools that Apple developers have access to as well. For some reason Apple don't seem to be making great use of those tools.

    MS started running fuzzing tools and auditing for buffer overflows aggressively around the time of XP SP2. It's taken some years but the payoff has been huge and obvious.

    Apple need to up their game. iOS and OSX are seriously in need of major security improvements. If/when Apple quit treating security as MSs problem, jail breaking will become extremely hard. That's a good thing.

    Now, will the jail break community just bugger off to Android? Most likely. Are there enough of them that Apple will care? I couldn't say. If there are, then maybe that'll be a useful lesson for Apple, and a bit more effort will be put into allowing users to tweak their phone natively.

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  • LegendKillerUK
    Mar 28, 09:54 AM
    Due to moving countries for a year I had to stick with my iPhone 3G. When I get home again in the summer I'd rather not be buying into a year old device. :(

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  • SteveW928
    Mar 27, 02:16 PM
    There are claims by some analysts that Amazon is going to kick the crap out of Apple's Maiden, N.C. data center and Netflix in one quick shot with their own cloud service.

    Yea, Amazon is in a WAY better position technology wise, and track record wise with this kind of service. I guess we'll have to wait and see what Apple has up there sleeve.

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  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 7, 02:23 PM
    It really seems like a good time to retire my old MDD. Still, $5400 is a lot of money. (what you have to pay here in sweden with edu discount for a 2.66 MP, X1900 XT, 500Gb + 23'')
    Hmmmmm... tempted, very very tempted.

    Side note: I have actually considered buying it in US and sneak it back to Sweden if I just could figure out how to transport it....

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  • codyc815
    Apr 26, 04:50 PM
    However Apple lost my custom today. All these stories about putting the release date back and rumors about a 'small' update.....

    Wth, Apple didn't push a release date back, there was never a release date. Just because you assume they'll introduce something the exact same time they did last year and they don't, that's not their fault.

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  • canolapop
    Jul 31, 03:20 AM
    couldn't they just release it as an UNLOCKED phone, sell it on their site and allow us to use it with who ever?

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  • mashinhead
    Aug 11, 03:06 PM
    Merom vs. Yonah Benchmarks (http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=2808)

    Cry me a river if you're using Yonah. Unless you need 64-bit or are encoding video/audio 24/7 on your laptop the gains aren't paramount.

    interesting article. thanks. I kinda feel better now (just bought a macbook). From what i'm reading you won't be able to take full advantage of the processing power til santa rosa comes out (early 2007). And at that point it will use more power reducing the hight bat. life expectations. And the low voltage chips aren't due out til that time too. So after reading this, i say if you really want a good merom working computer, get one in jan. Or forget the wait and get one now. But sept doesn't look like a good time to buy then.

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  • inlovewithi
    Apr 26, 03:45 PM
    You might be interesting reading this (http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/intersection/2011/04/25/is-reasoning-built-for-winning-arguments-rather-than-finding-truth/). MR makes so much more sense after having read it.

    Thanks. I like to call it denial of what makes a person uncomfortable, which creates tunnel vision.

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  • Daveoc64
    May 4, 03:00 PM
    Look, I'm not talking about what's allowed. I'm talking about what's possible. The post I'm replying to specifically said "abuse" in it. If we're talking about people breaking the rules, the question is: What's going to stop them?

    With Snow Leopard the answer is nothing, really.

    I said "abuse" because I think there's a clear difference between installing the same App (regardless of what it is) on computers that I own and installing that App on a computer that I don't own.

    While Apple's rules allow it, I don't think that it was their intention to allow one copy of the OS to be installed on virtually any machine.

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  • Applejuiced
    Mar 26, 11:11 PM
    Change the thread title!!!! Whats with all these crappy/misleading titles lately!!!

    Just to get attention that's all.
    I doubt iOS 5.0 or the next iphone will be delayed.

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  • cdavis11
    Apr 26, 03:41 PM
    In related news, all models of Ford vehicles combined outsold the toyota prius.

    Film at 11.

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  • Huntn
    May 3, 10:26 AM
    I can tell you that a lot of stuff manufactured in the US is still using the old units. We Canadians, supposedly metric, get to live with it. We don't make our own paint cans, so we buy a gallon of paint. But... we can't label it as a gallon so it's sold as a 3.79 litre can. Same thing for beer. We buy it in 331ml, or 347ml units (or something like that).

    Best of all.... When Environment Canada calls for a -5� day I crank the thermostat up to 69 and think about roasting a 3kg chicken with 1/2lb of potatoes, in an oven set at 375. When I bought the chicken the supermarket had a sale on in the deli. Buy 1/2 lb of sliced roast beef, and get 100gs of potato salad free.

    I'll drive 10 km to visit my friend who lives in a 1200sq/ft house. It's nice, they have a view since they are 300m(etres) up the bluff. They can see Five Mile Creek, which is at least 25km away. Except if it's storming. We can storms here with winds of at least 100kph and that will drop an inch or two of rain. On the mainland, the Fraser river, which is over 2200 km long, can rise 10, 12, even 15 feet in the spring melt. The flow is an astronomical number of cubic feet per minute, and it gotta be moving at a 15-20kph easy. Though sometimes they do quote that figure in cubic metres per minute (264 gallons).

    I have both imperial and a metric socket wrench kits. I've assembled BBQs that had both. You can tell which parts came from the US, and which didn't. IKEA is always metric. Lawnmowers are typically Imperial. My camera gear is both. (Tripod sockets are 1/4 or 1/8 inch coarse threads. Lighting stands use metric allen keys, unless they are US made.)

    So to my American Cousins. Just switch already and get it over with! Make life easier for every one else in the world, 'kay!?! Eh?

    I don't even bother with calculating fuel economy any more. The official measurement is litres/100km, but I still think in MPG, but buy fuel in litres. But I know that our Smart car has an 8 gallon tank.

    Lord, lol! :D

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  • cdallen
    Mar 30, 11:23 AM
    That seems quite rude. Wikipedia happens to have a wealth of base level knowledge. I understand that one should not cite it when doing in depth research but when looking for general knowledge it is a great source.

    Many of my professors have realized this and told us that if we need a different explanation of something to look it up on Wikipedia because it tends to use more common language than out text books. The do not allow citing Wikipedia no matter how well the article is sourced.

    Just like any book you look at using for research you must weigh the quality before choosing to use it.

    That being said, any college level class in history that covers the Cold War will talk about Alfred Sauvy and his contribution to how we talk about the world during that time period.

    Thank you

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  • 28monkeys
    Apr 23, 06:20 PM

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  • norwaypianoman
    Mar 31, 03:36 AM
    Kill the Lion. I do not want it until 2012.

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  • MrNomNoms
    Mar 30, 08:50 PM
    So I guess that Gold Master rumor was wrong.

    I'll bet my bottom dollar that the conversation between the leaker at Apple and the second person went something like this:

    Person: "So how close are we do a Golden Master?"

    Leaker: "We're probably going to get a few more updates out then we'll start seeding some builds that are pretty Golden Master in quality"

    The off runs the person to claim that the Golden Master seeds will be coming soon - I've seen it happen so many times where people get the wrong end of the stick especially if it is a chain of chinese whispers.

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  • ShnikeJSB
    Aug 4, 01:03 PM
    Apple never was a part of Mhz rat-race. Look at its bestselling Powerbook. How fast was it compared to the then PC laptops. Anyways, WWDC is suppose to be developers conference, so we should speculate more about Leopard and hopefuly MacPros (because they are long due) insted of iPods and MBPs.

    It sure was! Anyone remember when the Pismo hit 400MHz, and Intel's best was still at 333MHz (or somethign to that effect)?

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  • Peace
    Sep 11, 04:13 PM
    iLounge.com will be providing coverage also.

    Apr 21, 08:31 PM
    Yet another sign Apple is going to kill the Mac Pro.

    You'll see! With Final Cut Pro on it's deathbed there is no way the Mac Pro is sticking around!


    doubtful, this is a key switcher market... it would be crazy to axe the very thing that will continue to switch the PC builders/gamers over the next 5 years... this is a key ingredient to apple taking the industry over with time.

    Mar 29, 01:08 PM
    That reads quite a bit different from Amazon's "... or as we determine is necessary to provide the Service ..."

    Yes amazons is more transparent and to the point. Apples is more vague. Ill take transparent over vague "in my interpretation" any day.

    Jul 23, 12:24 PM
    I too am holding out hope for a 13" MBP. The 13" MB isn't powerful enough graphically and the 15" MBP is too big.

    Besides, the aluminum is just stylin!

    Mar 29, 08:51 AM
    Hilarious that companies are copying Apple rumors now.

    Arn, we need an article that Apple is developing a space ship!

    May 6, 08:11 AM
    Oh this rumor rearing its ugly head again. First of all is intel really stagnating so much that they would want to make this switch?

    Also doesn't anyone realize that just because an OS runs on a different architecture that doesn't mean all the apps made for it will suddenly run with 100% compatibility and speed? When I say this I mean that for Windows as well. So Windows 8 is going to have an ARM version. Good luck running Crysis 2 on that (for starters.. just an example).

    Also simpler applications may just need a recompile. But there are many others that would need much more than just a simple recompile. There are also many many others that wouldn't get either treatment and simply wont perform well or have good compatibility (or even work at all) for a long long time if ever. I know some developers who probably would laugh at you if you told them it'll just be a simple recompile for them. That kool-aid wasn't true in the transition to x86 either. We still have software that hasn't made the transition that would benefit from it but will simply by orphaned when rosetta is killed off in Lion. I hear people fretting because of that and having to scramble to get x86 versions of that software whether it be through bootcamp or WINE.

    Speaking of which; when apple switched to x86 they gained a lot of compatibility benefits that would be dumped if\when they switch to ARM. When going from PPC to x86 I quickly started finding more software becoming available or possible to get going due to the compatibility increase of the new architecture. We would be taking a step or more backwards with ARM. Like for example there was quite a bit of software had intel specific optimizations or functions that became available for use in OS X when updating them to intel or universal binaries... this includes Windows software that ran very well because no actual emulation was involved.

    Of course many casual users wouldn't care about any of that.... and there's a lot of front facing iOS software that could be easily ported. Like if an applications's engine is already available for both it's already easy to make a Mac and iOS version of the application. But the whole platform would become a lot less appealing for someone like me. I never used rosetta much as on my Core based Mac it really only worked well for me for the simplest things... like a text application I would use to post to a blog.... some application with 2D graphics.... CPU emulation tends to be dog slow and this is on the currently best performing desktop CPUs.

    So you may look forward to this possibly happening but I don't. I guess I could see Apple doing it especially since they seem to be keen on having a post-PC world. But in my opinion they'd more likely dump the Mac altogether and have an iOS dominated future in the cards and if you want a Personal Computer you have to get a non-apple PC.

    It's good for a company to keep its options open but just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. But then again I guess I could see them doing it and waving goodbye to those who don't like it.

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