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Friday, May 13, 2011

iphone 4 boxing

iphone 4 boxing. match against the iPhone 4
  • match against the iPhone 4

  • halhiker
    Mar 23, 05:04 PM
    Drunk driver checkpoints are the biggest law enforcement scam being perpetrated on the public at large. These checkpoints do no better than roving patrols but cops do them because they can hassle the public without probable cause and bust them for other minor infractions. They also more likely to have them in poor neighborhoods where people may be late paying their insurance or vehicle fees. They make big money from impounding poor people's cars.

    They pad the bottom line of the Law Enforcement Industrial Complex and so that's why they have them. It has NOTHING to do with justice.

    iphone 4 boxing. Apples iPhone and iPad for
  • Apples iPhone and iPad for

  • sciwizam
    Apr 19, 01:16 PM
    Not sure if everyone's already seen it but this is a great read from Nilay Patel: http://thisismynext.com/2011/04/19/apple-sues-samsung-analysis/

    From Nilay's post:

    Hardware and software trade dress claims

    iphone 4 boxing. For iPhone and iPod Touch
  • For iPhone and iPod Touch

  • cybrscot
    Mar 29, 01:11 PM
    Why would anybody want a windows phone? We've been there done that. Apple has so many applications and developers too. How will MSFT compete on content?

    iphone 4 boxing. Beast Boxing 3D IPA 1.0 iPhone
  • Beast Boxing 3D IPA 1.0 iPhone

  • miller218
    Aug 28, 08:24 PM
    of course that would be useful and by all means wait another year if you must, but personally i'd rather just buy now and then upgrade later as if it's really that amazing then the sockets are still compatable and an easy upgrade.

    Well, you won't be upgrading laptops because the chip is soldered in
    I'm sure there isn't a slot to put the flash memory in
    Your old chipset won't support it

    It all comes down to if you NEED it.

    iphone 4 boxing. iPhone 4 bugs already reported
  • iPhone 4 bugs already reported

  • iamrawr
    Apr 25, 02:38 PM
    dooo iittt!!! :D so excited to get my next mbp 3-5 years from now.

    iphone 4 boxing. Apple iPhone 4 Gets White
  • Apple iPhone 4 Gets White

  • rstansby
    Nov 13, 01:52 PM
    On the surface, Apple's position on this specific application seems ridiculous. Having said that, I don't know if the App store approval process changes much. If the iPhone was open to any application, then Apple could have taken legal action against Rogue Amoeba. I suppose it would be more difficult than just denying the app, but Apple would have a way to squash this app, if they wanted to.

    iphone 4 boxing. Champion for the iPhone
  • Champion for the iPhone

  • zwida
    Sep 10, 08:17 AM
    It appears I will be living in a cardboard box under a bridge sooner than I expected. :) All these juicy new Apples will put me in the poor house!

    I fear there will be quite a few of us in the same boat.:)

    Hard for me to justify (to my wife) a new machine every six months, no matter how much more productive it will make me. I'll have to start working on my reasons...

    iphone 4 boxing. iPhone iPad
  • iPhone iPad

  • shurcooL
    Apr 22, 12:57 PM
    I hope to see the backlit keyboard back also. It should be a standard MacBook feature.

    I think I'll be satisfied with gaming on an Air thanks to OnLive. In fact, it's the perfect machine for it. Just plug in a wireless 360 controller (and optionally an external monitor/HDTV) and play.

    iphone 4 boxing. iPhone Screenshots
  • iPhone Screenshots

  • aiqw9182
    Apr 16, 01:14 PM
    You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how those adapters work. Going from thunderbolt to USB 3 would require active electronics embedded in the adapter. The $6 MDP to HDMI adapter is just copper internally because the signaling is compatible from the source.
    So did you miss the USB to PS2 adapters I posted? :rolleyes:

    Again, you have a fundamental flaw in your argument that you're not addressing. It doesn't matter if the bus is capable of delivering massive speed when the source is incapable of serving data fast enough. Any single-drive enclosure that is currently available will be incapable of maxing out a USB 3 connection. Again, any single drive enclosure doesn't need USB 3 and that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the future, a couple of years down the road there will be affordable external SSD's and you will have an SSD in your machine and the only bottleneck is going to be your connector.

    When they contain active electronics, they get expensive. Apple's own MDP to dual-link DVI adapter is a great example, at $99.00. USB 3 and Thunderbolt are not electrically compatible, and therefore it is impossible to have a simple copper-only dongle that has a TB port on one end, and USB on the other. Wow, you are using an Apple adapter for price comparisons. :rolleyes:

    Apple sells mini-display port to HDMI adapters for $30 when you can buy them for $5. Find a better example.

    Then why do you keep pointing to that article as proof that USB 3 is incapable of reaching it's theoretical maximum?Uhh, I'm not? USB 3 has overhead and I've yet to see it actually go its maximum, when have you ever seen USB 2 reach 480Mbps?

    USB 2 is the universal standard for high speed devices. If you think otherwise, you must have never used a USB thumb drive. You may have never used a USB thumb drive? L.o.l.

    USB 2 is TERRIBLE at high speed data transfer, 'standard' or not. A PS2 port could still be standard for all I care.

    Thunderbolt in a copper implementation is capped at 10Gbs. For higher speeds, the physical connections become impractical for "normal" devices, which is why Intel designed TB as a transport bus, say for a single cable between a tower and a monitor, which would then break the TB bus back into it's component protocols, including USB 3. The copper implementation is limited only by the cable and not the port.

    Which as I said above, makes it practical for a transport bus. For replacing USB? Not so much. Backwards compatibility alone will likely dictate the continual presence of USB 3 ports on virtually every computer for years to come.
    I never said it would replace USB. I said they compliment each other. I said USB 3 is hardly needed as all of the heavy lifting is done through Thunderbolt then you leave the low bandwidth peripherals (that USB 2.0 was capable of handling) to USB 3.0.

    Is it "difficult" to carry an adaptor? Of course not (weight and size wise).

    But in real life, you run into situations where you don't have it on hand. Like the noon conference at my residency program where we had problems with the laptop on which an attending was to give a presentation. One of the other residents had a MBP and volunteered its use, but...no DP adaptor to connect to the projector. I can only imagine how many times that scenario must occur each day at businesses, etc.

    It's a poor solution compared to having USB 3 built in.
    In real life you should carry around your laptop in a bag or sleeve that has everything you need in it. USB 3 is not a necessity and the majority of devices will continue to be USB 2.0 compatible as well before 3.0 takes off and Thunderbolt steals all of the high bandwidth peripherals.

    iphone 4 boxing. Iron Fist Boxing v2.0.2 iPhone
  • Iron Fist Boxing v2.0.2 iPhone

  • lilo777
    Apr 25, 01:23 PM
    "which is already under development at Quanta in Taiwan"

    And I was naive enough to think that Apple developed their cases themselves. And if they don't it means that they do not design any hardware at all.

    iphone 4 boxing. BONAZA OFFER: BUY 2 GET 1 FOR

  • paradox00
    Apr 15, 10:16 AM
    It's be a good idea if Thunderbolt was capable of handling USB 3 as well, like the thunderbolt port in the MacBook Pro can also do mini display.
    I guess that way it'd at least be used more, but also nobody would be uncertain about getting Thunderbolt because they know even if it is a flop the port is still useful...

    It is, provided the system supports USB 3.0 which the current macs do not (but IvyBridge ones will). The only reason people think it will flop is because they don't understand what it is (it's an extension of the PCIe bus, not a USB 3.0 replacement).

    iphone 4 boxing. Adidas Box Hog Boxing Boots
  • Adidas Box Hog Boxing Boots

  • Doctor Q
    Oct 12, 01:07 PM
    I'm considering canceling an iPod order I placed yesterday and switching it to the red one. Not that I'd know the difference.

    iphone 4 boxing. Boxing Day cartoon 4 - search
  • Boxing Day cartoon 4 - search

  • Multimedia
    Jul 17, 04:33 PM
    I don't want to buy and sell for a month use.

    If the chip is comeing out on staurday (23rd) doesnt that mean that they MBPs will chip the 7th? seeing as how the chip would already be out...Not sure if introduction will mean shipping in quantity by then. Think Apple may need time to build invintory 'til September so they can fill orders upon announcement. I would love to see it happen for everyone August 7th. I just don't think it's wise to get your hopes up for that to be the day.

    Seems like the Mac Pro and Leopard will be more than enough for August 7th. September 12th seems like a more logical time to spotlight Merom in MacBook Pros in Paris like they did with the 15" Aluminum 1.25GHz PowerBook G4 three years ago. That's when USB 2 and FW 800 ports were added to the line as well. At the time it was a very big power shift-up among the mobile Macs. :)

    I have that three year old model PB so I am like you waiting for a 2.33 GHz Merom MacBook Pro to ship. I'm OK with my old mobile though. 'Cause I'm hooked on my Quad at home all the time now. ;)

    iphone 4 boxing. Boxing Gloves Set with Sand
  • Boxing Gloves Set with Sand

  • EagerDragon
    Sep 14, 06:10 PM
    I rerally hope it is more than Aperture 2.0. The displays were recently updated, so... I am lost
    There is the possibility of 24" display and iSight built in. This is a photo show. May also see a modified MBP with the Meron and a built in Memory card reader.
    There are a lot of laptops with them.

    iphone 4 boxing. A cartoon phone wearing oxing
  • A cartoon phone wearing oxing

  • jz1492
    Nov 13, 04:54 PM
    So I guess this puts every iPhone VNC client in violation of Apple's terms as it would be displaying Apple copyrighted images...

    I'm on RA's side on this one!

    You may be right, but we haven't seen the emails or the actual rejected programs.

    Furthermore, "The Client Is Always Right", not because they are, but as a matter of principle. The client is in command.

    And I insist, Apple's model makes them the client, which I have to admit brings many benefits to the end user and the platform in general -not so many to the suppliers or developers, except maybe for the fact that it makes the end user more confident to part with their money, of which Apple has the numbers to prove.

    iphone 4 boxing. iPhone 4 vs Samsung Galaxy S
  • iPhone 4 vs Samsung Galaxy S

  • gnasher729
    Jul 20, 03:43 AM
    But you are right that the thermals of Conroe could be a problem. I'm not sure how much of a difference speed-step will make. Although it is the most power-efficient desktop chip out there, it consumes less power under load than Pentium D's at idle:

    The new version of Speedstep that is available from Yonah upwards seems to be quite good. The operating system can reduce the clockspeed, but at lower clockspeed it can also reduce the voltage, and power consumption is proportional to (clockspeed x voltage x voltage).

    So my idea would be: A control that lets you set "maximum fan noise". If you need to render an hour of video, you should set it to maximum, if you are doing audio recordings with your Mac and want it silent you set it to minimum. That control also shows whether your clockspeed has been throttled, so if you prefer the Mac fast instead of quiet, you can have that as well. So you get the best of both worlds.

    iphone 4 boxing. iPhone 4 vs Samsung Galaxy S
  • iPhone 4 vs Samsung Galaxy S

  • peeInMyPantz
    Sep 14, 07:12 AM
    the iPhone is going to be a useless product unless they release it in big enough sizes to replace my iPod. It's like carrying two ipods around. I already have a 60 gig...why would I spend the extra money to buy an expensive phone that only holds 5 gigs or something? It's just a dumb idea, unless they release major sizes that can replace the big ipods. I don't know why everyone is drooling over this thing.
    ppl are going to want it because it's a phone. I will buy it for the look.

    iphone 4 boxing. Use BoxingMatch to challenge
  • Use BoxingMatch to challenge

  • ciTiger
    May 3, 11:09 AM
    That's nice from Apple, I personally find the Magic Mouse useless for what I do, it's just a nice toy. And a Trackpad would be more useful just for the Multitouch Gestures in combination with a Real Mouse

    My thoughts exactly!
    I remember watching the keynote where some top guy from Apple demoed onthe iLife things and he didn't seem to handle the magic mouse that well... Sometimes he had to repeat the gesture 2 or 3 times to get it right...

    iphone 4 boxing. iPhone Screenshot 4
  • iPhone Screenshot 4

  • iStudentUK
    Mar 29, 11:53 AM
    Since 1984:
    Cmd-X = Cut
    Cmd-C = Copy
    Cmd-V = Paste

    Grab will snap a picture of a window, the entire screen etc. There is also print to PDF.

    I'm pretty sure he was referring to cut and paste in finder and "windows snap" is where you can snap two windows side by side easily- it is a great feature in W7 and I hope Apple incorporate it in some way.

    Sep 19, 03:30 PM
    Besides, I'd be completely happy with 720p as that's basically the most that affordable displays can show these days anyway. Give me that and I'd only buy my movies on the iTS.

    Aug 31, 08:17 PM
    I wonder if Apple will be able to provide the Movie Store to Europe and the rest of the world. If they can't, it's as good to me as if they didn't announce it at all. I mean look at TV Shows, what a disgrace, in Europe we might aswell still be running iTunes 4.

    I think a Movie Store should be seperate from iTunes. A new store for movies, a new app for managing them.

    Whats the issue with regards to TV shows only available to the USA. Why can't they be made available in the UK and Europe.

    Oct 12, 12:39 PM
    They might as well add a Core 2 Duo Mac Book Pro too.

    Sep 5, 10:11 AM
    Who else thinks Lion's Gate will not be on the list... at least for now?

    Apr 11, 08:35 AM
    I agree with the guy who wants any iOS device to be the receiver of AirTunes music.

    I hear all the comments about Home Sharing and Airfoil, but both are only partial solutions that work in specific cases. I, personally, nt my old iPod Touch to function as a battery powered airport express - with some battery powered speakers attached, I can stream music anywhere (including the garden, etc) at the same time - perfect for parties. I could do that with AirFoil, but that means when I want to stream from my iPad to my Apple TV or Airport Express speakers in the living room I need a different solution. Plus i'm not sure the Apple Remote app will allow me to switch AirFoil sources on and off, which means I have to go back to my Mac to change them, it's not properly integrated, so not a great solution. Acceptable, sure, but far from ideal.

    Basically, having AirPlay supported natively just means the whole system works simply, flawlessly and in a fully-integrated way. No faff, no limitations on what device can play what audio to which other devices. A simple iOS app that allows my iPod Touch to function as an Airport Express will be fantastic!


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