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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

mortal kombat scorpion 2011

mortal kombat scorpion 2011. epic struggle when MK hits
  • epic struggle when MK hits

  • javajedi
    Oct 8, 05:22 PM
    Sorry about the rant earlier, but I had to address Backtothemac's logical fallacies.

    I always tell people if you want to make an argument for the Mac, make it in software. Despite XP being rock solid, in my opinion it lacks the passion of 10. Everytime I turn on my Mac I can feel the amount of passion that was put into it, and think passion is a very important quality. Without passion you are doomed. This becomes obvious when you compare something like compare Windows Media Player (even 9 beta) to iTunes. I'm not going to go into details but IMO, there is no comparison. This is why we use Macintosh.

    Passion is clearly Apple's best strength. Microsoft still has a long way to go in this, but they are starting to learn, too.

    mortal kombat scorpion 2011. Mortal Kombat – Check out
  • Mortal Kombat – Check out

  • WilliamBos
    Apr 14, 05:34 PM
    After getting a new mini for my b-day, I have to wait until tomorrow to use it, as I need the apple only DVI-VGA adapter. Aftermarket stuff don't work... :(

    mortal kombat scorpion 2011. Mortal Kombat Scorpion Vs Sub
  • Mortal Kombat Scorpion Vs Sub

  • EricNau
    Mar 14, 11:50 PM
    Another helpful article (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42075628) (MSNBC):
    Amid dire reports of melting fuel rods and sickened workers at Japan�s beleaguered Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear reactor, the public health risk from radiation exposure remains very low in that country � or abroad, experts say.

    �In general, right now, the citizens of Japan have far more other things to worry about than nuclear power,� said Richard L. Morin, a professor of radiologic physics at the Mayo Clinic and chair of the safety committee of the American College of Radiology.

    �There�s not a significant risk to anybody in the United States, including Hawaii,� he added.

    Though talk of a nuclear �meltdown� raises specters of acute radiation sickness and long-term cancers, such as those seen after the 1986 Chernobyl accident in which the reactor blew up, the radiation levels detected outside the Japan plant remain within legal limits, Japanese officials told reporters.

    American experts monitoring the situation agreed, saying that reported radiation exposure remains far lower than normal exposure from background radiation in the environment, from medical procedures such as CT scans, or even from transatlantic air flights.

    �I haven�t seen anything so far that seems to indicate that people are being exposed to levels of radiation that are acutely dangerous,� said G. Donald Frey, a professor of radiology at the Medical University of South Carolina.

    [. . .] A one-time CT scan can expose a person to between 5 and 10 millisieverts. An X-ray of the spine might expose a patient to an estimated 1.5 millisieverts. A long, cross-country air flight might expose someone to about .03 millisieverts. A person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day is exposed to 53 millisieverts each year, according to the National Institutes of Health.

    So far, Japanese officials have reported possible top exposures at the plant of .5 millisieverts per hour, a level that has dropped to perhaps .04 millisieverts per hour, Frey said. While that level is concerning to plant workers, residents who heeded a 12-mile evacuation zone would not be affected, said Dr. James H. Thrall, chief radiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.

    �That would only expose nuclear plant workers,� he said. �If you�re even 100 feet away, or 1,000 feet away, the exposure drops dramatically.�

    Even if the workers at the nuclear plant in Japan were exposed continuously to .5 millisieverts per hour, it would take about 40 hours before them to reach the yearly limit for exposure. Now that the level has fallen, so has the risk, Thrall said. [. . .]

    In the meantime, the U.S. experts cautioned observers, especially those in the U.S., to keep the situation in perspective.

    �There�s very little likelihood of any concern,� said Thrall. �Instead, I would advise people to look both ways before crossing the street.�
    As I suggested earlier, the fear-mongering regarding this issue doesn't appear to be warranted. Unless the situation changes drastically, there's no need for dire claims and accusations.

    Even allowing for the possibility of a complete core meltdown (an unlikely event given the current situation, though not impossible), the structures were designed to contain such an event. The release of dangerous levels of radiation is extremely improbable, even given a situation significantly worse than that currently faced by Japan. Link (http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/03/14/6268351-clearing-up-nuclear-questions)

    mortal kombat scorpion 2011. Scorpion vs Sub Zero
  • Scorpion vs Sub Zero

  • Draythor
    Apr 13, 03:14 PM
    I'm sure this has been mentioned.

    Connecting other hard drives. I'm only able to read from most (windows) drives.

    mortal kombat scorpion 2011. scorpion mortal kombat 2011
  • scorpion mortal kombat 2011

  • Funkymonk
    Apr 28, 10:13 AM
    Agree. Too bad the iMac never took off in the enterprise sector. I remember when I was going to the university in the 90's I saw plenty of macs all around campus. Now the times I've gone all I see are Dell's, and HP's.

    It's too expensive. as a business, why buy an imac when I could but a dell or hp for a fraction of the price to do the same job?

    mortal kombat scorpion 2011. Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
  • Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)

  • MacRumors
    Aug 29, 10:47 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Late last week, environmental watchdog Greenpeace released their Guide to Greener Electronics (http://www.greenpeace.org/raw/content/international/press/reports/greener-electronics-guide.pdf) (pdf) which rates how eco-friendly different tech companies are based on publicly available information. Apple scored 4th lowest, beating only Leveno, Motorola, and Acer. Among the top-scorers were Nokia and Dell.

    For a company that claims to lead on product design, Apple scores badly on almost all criteria. The company fails to embrace the precautionary principle, withholds its full list of regulated substances and provides no timelines for eliminating toxic polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and no commitment to phasing out all uses of brominated flame retardants (BFRs). Apple performs poorly on product take back and recycling, with the exception of reporting on the amounts of its electronic waste recycled.

    News.com has received a statement (http://news.com.com/2100-1014_3-6110513.html) from Apple responding to the Greenpeace claims.

    Apple has a strong environmental track record and has led the industry in restricting and banning toxic substances such as mercury, cadmium and hexavalent chromium, as well as many BFRs. We have also completely eliminated CRT monitors, which contain lead, from our product line.

    Apple does note that their LCD monitors do contain small amounts of mercury, which they are working to find a suitable alternative for. Apple began an expanded computer recycling program (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/04/20060421114406.shtml) in April 2006. Apple has had an iPod recycling program (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2005/06/20050603152950.shtml) in the US since 2005.

    Apple's annual shareholder meetings have seen frequent protests from environmental groups (2005 (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2005/04/20050422090010.shtml), 2006 (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/04/20060427190638.shtml)).

    mortal kombat scorpion 2011. scorpion mortal kombat 2011
  • scorpion mortal kombat 2011

  • smiley
    Mar 19, 11:07 AM
    I appreciate what DVD Jon did to help Linux owners watch dvds, but this is going to far. I hope Apple come up with a fix for this, and soon.

    How is this going farther than DeCSS for DVD's?

    Last I checked, Linux users couldn't use iTunes DRM'd songs on Linux either. How is this different from the DVD cracker? Its purpose is to use digital files LEGALLY PURCHASED on a device of the purchaser's choice.

    The only differences here are that 1) the offending company is Apple, and 2) The iTunes Music Store's terms of service agreement. By using Jon's tool, you KNOWINGLY and WILLINGLY are violating an agreement that you yourself agreed to.

    I never signed away my rights to play a DVD on Linux when I bought it, for example, so DeCSS has a tiny bit more of a leg to stand on.

    But, this certainly isn't "going too far"

    YMAMV (Your moral ambiguity may vary)

    mortal kombat scorpion 2011. By the time Mortal Kombat
  • By the time Mortal Kombat

  • guzhogi
    May 5, 02:21 PM
    Two weeks ago my service was flaking out. Couldn't make calls or get to 3G all day. Wasn't too happy. Wentthe AT&T store to go vent and the hottest clerk, I have ever seen, was working. She was so hot, she should have been over at VS in VS modellling something for me. wink, wink. nudge, nudge. ;) She said they were working on a go-live of 12 new towers. The engineers had screwed up the configs. So the new towers and some of the old towers weren't playing nice with network. I live in mostly Verizon country. AT&T has been making improvements out the whaz. They finalized the deal for Centennial Wireless. Alot of those towers flipped to ATT recently. So for me, my piece of the network got bigger & better. Now mind you this girl was so good looking she could have told me to set my iPhone on fire and I would have given it serious consideration. It seems like AT&T is trying to act like it cares. So back to mis hottie. I asked for her phone number. ANd she told me, 1-800-331-0500. I think she likes me.

    Pics of her?

    My sister keeps asking when the iPhone is coming to Verizon. She really wants an iPhone, but hates AT&T.

    And just so you know, my sister's married. Sorry guys.

    mortal kombat scorpion 2011. at the new Mortal Kombat.
  • at the new Mortal Kombat.

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 14, 11:38 AM
    At the risk of bumping this up to PRSI, let me just say that I thought 'saving face' was a thing of the past.

    mortal kombat scorpion 2011. Mortal Kombat. - Page 2
  • Mortal Kombat. - Page 2

  • slinger1968
    Oct 26, 09:39 PM
    I wonder how many current Mac Pro owners will just buy the new chips off pricewatch.com and pop them in.I've seen this comment on numerous posts and it sounds like people haven't read Anand's review.

    It's not very easy to get to the CPUs, nothing like a simple swap.

    I've built loads of PCs in the last 12+ years and even I would be a little reluctant to rip apart a $2500 to $3000 Mac Pro like anand did to swap out the chips.

    It's an easy swap for Apple in the manufacturing process, but not for the consumer.

    Read the report. Apple doesn't want people to be able to upgrade their CPUs

    mortal kombat scorpion 2011. Mortal Kombat Scorpion
  • Mortal Kombat Scorpion

  • clebin
    Apr 13, 05:03 AM
    A reminder of Jobs' stunning hypocrisy from a year ago:

    "For example, although Mac OS X has been shipping for almost 10 years now, Adobe just adopted it fully (Cocoa) two weeks ago when they shipped CS5. Adobe was the last major third party developer to fully adopt Mac OS X."

    Congrats on another Cocoa port, Apple.

    mortal kombat scorpion 2011. mortal kombat 2011 wallpaper
  • mortal kombat 2011 wallpaper

  • Di9it8
    Aug 29, 04:25 PM
    I wonder if they mentioned the fact that Dell has made the computer a disposable purchase with their $299 PCs. I'm serious people buy a new Dell every few years because they are garbage. Do you honestly think people give them back for recycling. They sell them on ebay or craigslist, and the new owner after about a year puts them in the dumpster. With Apple people keep their machines much longer, and are much more likely to recycle them because they are smaller and easier to take to a recycling center (no CRT). This alone makes Apple greener then Dell.

    We are still using on a daily basis a G3 WallStreet laptop, the battery is gone but otherwise it is quite reliable. This long life must make Apples greener as we have disposed of 1 Toshiba and 2 IBM machines in the same time span :rolleyes:

    mortal kombat scorpion 2011. scorpion mortal kombat 2011
  • scorpion mortal kombat 2011

  • cmaier
    Apr 20, 11:29 PM
    *facepalm* Apple can go around skewing the numbers in their favor however they want (throwing in iPad's, iTouch, etc.), but the fact is both in the US and Worldwide, Android has the largest Smart Phone user base. So why would Google want to throw in the towel?

    Apple didn't skew any numbers. Apple didn't provide these numbers. They had nothing to do with it.

    That said, how are the numbers skewed? When counting OS market share do you treat 13" notebooks differently than desktops? Or do you add everything up?

    mortal kombat scorpion 2011. scorpion mortal kombat 9
  • scorpion mortal kombat 9

  • Doctor Q
    Mar 18, 06:24 PM
    I didn't know before that "DVD Jon" is a movie star as well. He plays himself in the documentary Info Wars (http://uk.imdb.com/title/tt0415067/).

    Hey, I wonder if we can get that movie on DVD and play it on our Linux systems. :D

    mortal kombat scorpion 2011. mortal kombat scorpion
  • mortal kombat scorpion

  • iMikeT
    Aug 29, 11:01 AM
    Why do these "tree-huggers" have to interfere with business?

    Apple does what they can to have more "enviornmentally-friendly" ways of processing their products. But 4th worst?

    mortal kombat scorpion 2011. Scorpion from Mortal Kombat
  • Scorpion from Mortal Kombat

  • Mord
    Jul 12, 01:54 PM
    I am very disappointed in you Hector , you of all people should know better then to post something like this. Do u not realise that the Intel deal ment apple dosen't have to do it's own R&D anymore when it came to chip sets.

    APPLE IS USING INTEL STOCK PARTS incase you didn't know , so mixing the MacPro with Conroe/Woody would not cost a dime more. they will use a basic P965 chipset for Conroe and 5000X Chipset for Woody.

    any and ever motherboard has been designed with the chips lay out and logic requested by the vendor, in this case apple, the fact that they don't develop their own electronics changes nothing, freescale/IBM made the chipsets before the switch nothing has changed, apple outsourced the design of the board to intel sure but they are paying intel to do so somehow, anyway, the cost of support and manufacture rockets up too.

    more i'm disappointed in you, i haven't seen you post in a year or so and your still the same childish n00b who completely misses the point.

    the mac pro will be a pro machine, apple has never done a consumer tower and likely never will.

    woodcrest is just conroe with SMP, overclocking is exactly the same, as in non existent due to EFI. professionals do not overclock their macs.

    go play with your toys.

    mortal kombat scorpion 2011. Scorpion 2. Tags: MK
  • Scorpion 2. Tags: MK

  • Porchland
    Sep 20, 09:46 AM
    Oh please, yes. For me, iTV will only truly be the final piece of the jigsaw if I can also watch my recorded (and possibly live) EyeTV content through it.

    A hook-up between Apple and Elgato sounds the most natural thing. Elgato should continue to make hardware for all the various TV standards (terrestrial / cable / sat / digital / etc etc), but perhaps use some Apple desigers to make their boxes a bit more "Apple-looking". Then, Apple can take the EyeTV 2.x software and integrate it with iTunes.

    To those that say that Apple won't allow this because it would hit their own TV show revenues from the iTunes store... I disagree. They'll have to give in sooner or later, because EyeTV isn't going to go away. Would iTunes/iPod have been such a success if they'd have made us purchase all our music from iTunes, even the stuff we alread had on CD?

    I'm not going to pay �3 (or whatever) for an Episode of Lost if I could have recorded on EyeTV last night... especially when C4 repeat each episode about 6 times per week anyway.


    A lot of these questions come down to whether Apple is going to market iTV as a satellite/cable killer.

    Scenario A: iTV is a way to watch movies and shows in your iTunes library and (for $1.99) watch an episode of a show you forgot to DVR or that you just really like and want to own.

    Scenario B: Apple morphs its season pass feature for TV shows into a subscription service that is priced competitive to cable. Movies are available in HD for $3.99 for 24 hours.

    Scenario A doesn't really give me anything I don't already have, and I'm not going to pay $299 for the privilege of buying movies for $10 that I can PPV for $4. But Scenario B gives me a way to drop my cable package altogether; it's similar to the way mobile phones allowed people to drop local phone service.

    mortal kombat scorpion 2011. When Mortal Kombat began,
  • When Mortal Kombat began,

  • Eidorian
    Apr 13, 02:00 PM
    The professional amateur, amateur professional arguments aside.

    It came to me when I was trying to fall asleep last night that Apple only really wants to get you to make an AppleID and then entice you to bleed your wallet dry. Now I am quite sure the shareholders enjoy that but people really appear to have little control over their impulses at $0.99.

    Death by a thousand paper cuts or...

    When am I going to need a birth certificate and SSN to get an AppleID?

    mortal kombat scorpion 2011. Cosplay Mortal Kombat Scorpion
  • Cosplay Mortal Kombat Scorpion

  • sblasl
    Oct 28, 02:16 PM
    OK, so I now know what the potential capabilities of the new machines will have. If I look at the Apple Store and see the 3 current base options & price, when the release occurs, what is the speculation of choices & prices?

    I am also wanting to know that if I have decided that the current 2.66 GHz meets my needs, should I hold off because they may bump the speed, lower the price, etc., etc. I also understand that everything is pure speculation. I am also not wanting to shoot myself because something else happens to the current line up.

    I appreciate the thorough & in-depth responses. It helps.

    Sep 12, 04:16 PM
    Now see its a step in the right direction to be sure. There will be features announced which will make it more attractive

    But unless they add the ability to attach a hard drive or something to hold content on then this isn't going to sell at all.

    You probably forget that iTunes TV shows are not available nowhere else in the world except the US. Neither are the films for the time being. so what do we have to watch in the rest of the world? Nada!

    I really want this to be better for launch. Lets see what happens eh?

    Mar 26, 03:18 PM
    Confucius say: Foolish is man who questions skunk in ancient tongues.

    And don't even try to upskunk in pig latin.

    Oct 7, 06:49 PM
    Oh so now we have Android. First it was the Palm Pre that was going to kill the iPhone, that did not happen, then it was this or that touch screen phone that was going to kill the iPhone and that did not happen. When Android first came out with the G1 that was going to kill the iPhone, that did not happen and now we have more Android devices killing the iPhone, not going to happen. This is a load of crap from people who don't know what they are talking about. Android is hard to develop for and is at least two years behind Apple at the moment, how is this going to happen? This is the stupidest prediction I have ever heard from people who don't like Apple for some reason that I cannot understand, let's stop predicting which device is going to be King and just see what happens!!! The main reason I say this will not happen is that Android is only being adopted by technophiles and not everyday people, the iPhone is being adopted by apple technophiles and everyday people, it is the everyday people that decide which device is king and they will not adopt Android unless the OS is completely overhauled in a different direction, people like my 63 year old father have an Iphone now and there is no way he would ever want or use an Android based phone. Tech analysts need to think of everyday people when they predict this crap and not techies who hate Apple for some reason or another!!!

    Apr 24, 10:36 AM
    Maybe deep down I'm an atheist too, and I'm just entertaining the notion of agnosticism as a kind of nod to the great debt we owe Judaism and Christianity. If it wasn't for those two faiths which allowed for reformations (such a thing would be impossible under, say, Islam) then secular Western democracies would be vastly different.

    If Europe had succumbed to the advance of Islam, if Vienna had fallen in the 17th century things likely would be very different today. Europe would have produced as many Nobel Prize winners as the entire Islamic World

    Oh, please.

    The Islamic World today doesn't have much resemblance to the Islamic World of antiquity. Don't forget that a vast majority of ancient Greek texts would have been lost to the ages if not for Islamic scholars, to say nothing of (relatively) advanced mathematical concepts and a symbol for zero.

    Mar 14, 07:55 PM
    While good to have them I do not see them being more cost effiective since they more than likely require a fair amount of R&D.

    Actually, thorium-based nuclear reactors have been successfully tested since the early 1960's! If you read this article from Wired magazine:


    The idea of the liquid fluoride thorium reactor has been around since the 1950's. Ever since Alvin Weinberg's pioneering research, improved technology has made it possible for the LFTR to be competitive against light-water uranium reactors, and of course there's all the advantages I mentioned earlier.

    Best of all, thorium-232 is many times more available than fuel-quality uranium, and it's estimated the continental USA may have 20% of the world's supply of thorium that can be mined out--not including the 175,000 tons the US military mined and stored as part of the Manhattan Project!

    Like I said earlier, what are we waiting for?

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