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Friday, May 13, 2011

new iphone 5 features

new iphone 5 features. Will the iPhone 5 feature 64
  • Will the iPhone 5 feature 64

  • Cinch
    Oct 12, 02:40 PM
    It makes me so happy to know that there are still plenty of stupid people in the world.

    Thank you

    no need to respond to such obvious bait


    new iphone 5 features. The iPhone 5 is on the horizon
  • The iPhone 5 is on the horizon

  • MacRumors
    Apr 11, 01:39 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/04/11/apple-airplay-private-key-exposed-opening-door-to-airport-express-emulators/)


    new iphone 5 features. iPhone 5
  • iPhone 5

  • Eidorian
    Jul 14, 12:36 PM
    I believe only Rev. As and Rev. Bs are blast furnaces, Rev. C iMac G5 was supposedly much quieter thanks to the bulged case.Yeah, I had a friend who got a Rev. C iMac G5 20". It was whisper quiet compared to my 17" Rev. B. I don't have any experience with the Rev. C 17" mode though.

    The Rev. C design really changed things around inside. They moved the CPU and power supply toward the top of the case instead of the bottom as in preview models. They might just be able to get a Conroe in there.

    I know the image you're talking about. Meroms on the inside, Conroes on the outside ring, Celerons furthest out.Yeah, that's the one.

    If you notice. Nowhere on the Apple store does it say "Yonah". It says Core Duo.

    So all Apple has to do is say Core 2 Duo. There will be no "Merom" or "Conroe" differentation. Yeah, they average consumer won't notice but BlizzardBomb has the answer.

    What's missing to me is the uniform marketing scheme to help sell potential customers. Intel has Centrino Duo currently, presumably Centrino 2 Duo (terrible name, in my opinion) for Merom, Core 2 Duo/Extreme (equally terrible) for Conroe, but I haven't heard anything for Woodcrest. Xeon Duo? Xeon Core 2? I have no idea.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Xeon#Dual-Core_Xeon_.2865_nm_Intel_Core_Microarchitecture.29

    Looks like a number game.

    new iphone 5 features. verizon iphone 5 features.
  • verizon iphone 5 features.

  • cleric
    Apr 11, 06:52 AM
    This is pretty awesome unfortunately my FreeBSD Server sits right next to an Airport Express :rolleyes:

    new iphone 5 features. The new iPhone 5 seems to come
  • The new iPhone 5 seems to come

  • ericinboston
    Apr 29, 09:33 AM
    There are two groups of Apple consumers:

    Group 1: The people who jumped on the Apple bandwagon in or after Y2K

    Group 2: The people who have been loyal Apple consumers prior to Y2K. I belong to this group.

    Prior to jumping on the bandwagon, many of the folks in Group 1 and the rest of the world made fun of the folks in Group 2. Group 2 people were often considered crazy cultists with a "sad fetish" for Apple (it took a certain type of individual to recognize the insane greatness of Apple products). Group 2 people were also considered stupid/misguided for sticking with Apple. Many of the people in Group 1 and the rest of the world most likely agreed with Michael Dell when he said Apple should close down.

    Fast forward to today. Apple now generates more revenues AND profits than Microsoft. This is an important milestone for the Group 2 folks for the simple reason that Apple has finally won the technology war. It may have lost the PC battle but Apple is now indisputably the technology innovation champion. And it became the champion WITHOUT any benefit of a monopolistic position that Microsoft had over the PC operating system for decades.

    When I hear comments from people dismissing the significance of Apple surpassing MSFT in profits, I know that these people belong to either Group 1 or are MSFT fanboys. They will never understand the blood, sweat, and tears that Apple and its cult members had to go through to reach this point.

    Congratulations, Apple, for reaching the pinnacle. Thanks for doing what you do best: making insanely great consumer technology.

    There is just so much wrong with 100% of your post. I can't even begin, nor will I spend time, contradicting every sentence.

    In short, there is no war between Apple and Microsoft...nor has been for decades. Also, you think Apple is not a monopoly? Apple makes the hardware, the OS, the apps, and Appstore, and APPROVES what apps consumers can purchase. No...that's not a monopoly. No, sir.

    new iphone 5 features. cool latest new high tech
  • cool latest new high tech

  • ngenerator
    Mar 30, 12:25 PM
    "Umm, you guys? App Store is too g-g-generic of a term to b-b-be used nowadays."

    new iphone 5 features. Apple iPhone 5, 9 New Features
  • Apple iPhone 5, 9 New Features

  • Multimedia
    Sep 10, 08:41 PM
    I've heard about clovertown coming all along and have put off buying a Mac Pro. I'd much rather have 8 cores then 4 for the work I do.Of course almost everyone here knows I'm with you. I was surprised that the Mac Pro would require such expensive RAM which really puts me off. So I'm hoping that the popularity of Mac Pro RAM will drive down RAM cost to us by the time the Clovertown Mac Pro ships.

    BTW it's NOT Cloverton. It's ClovertownIf you are looking for that, the most likely timeframe will be during the release of Leopard as it will release those 4 or 8 cores to do their thing. :DExactly my thinking as well.

    new iphone 5 features. iPhone 5 To Feature NFC After
  • iPhone 5 To Feature NFC After

  • dgalvan123
    Mar 22, 02:24 PM
    Come on Mac Mini update; well overdue for a refresh. That Core 2 Duo is keeping me from buying.


    I just got the wife's approval to replace our satellite subscription with a mac-mini media center. If the mac mini is going to be updated within a couple of months, I'll wait for it.

    new iphone 5 features. of the new iPhone 5,
  • of the new iPhone 5,

  • OdduWon
    Sep 5, 06:47 PM
    it seems like the reason this apple is broadcasting to the event is so that they can show how their new ichat streaming dot mac movie/video chat ipod pack works;) .

    new iphone 5 features. iphone 5 features apple.
  • iphone 5 features apple.

  • IntelliUser
    Jan 13, 09:52 AM
    Not if you have UAC set correctly, although unfortunately it was weakened by default in 7, because of whining.

    Even at that level it's a real PITA. Seriously, not only it pops up way too often, but it slows down installations. Some older computers and netbooks just freeze for several minutes after trying to open large installers, while UAC is analyzing or something.

    new iphone 5 features. These new features include the
  • These new features include the

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Apr 15, 06:50 PM
    Even USB 2.0 has a pathetic 50% effective utilization rate, while Firewire is ~95%. USB 2.0 is 480 Mb/s, which equals 60 MB/s, yet in real world speeds, you're lucky if you see 30 MB/s - HALF it's rated bandwidth. USB is just plain horrible for bulk data transfer, and the new 3.0 iteration is no different. The protocol overhead is atrocious.

    No different? What planet on you living on because it's not Earth.... The link quoted tested a slow 2.5" drive and still showed a 3.5x speed improvement. USB3 can only go as fast as the drive it's connected to. You're going to find that out with TB as well. You can't make gold out of dirt.

    These people on here suggesting Intel should can USB3 are not real computer users. They're non-computer types that don't know WTF they're talking about. Period. There is NO reason to NOT use USB3 on new computers. Their cost is next to nothing. They're 100% backwards compatible with USB2.0,1.1 and 1.0 and you'll need those ports regardless whether your computer has TB or not. Not having USB3 simply means less flexibility. Even if you hate it, your friend comes over with his 7200RPM USB3 drive and connects it to your Mac using USB 2.0 and instead of going 110MB/sec as it would under USB3, it goes 30-35MB/sec under USB 2.0. He then asks you why your Mac SUCKS SO HARD and your reply will be that he should have paid $400 for that drive with a TB connector instead of $150 with a USB3 connector (even though TB will not go faster because that's the limit of the drive itself). Your friend will then suggest you give him some money since you're stinking loaded to WASTE $250 more on the TB drive when USB3 would have done just as well. But then you remind him that Apple don't support no stinking USB3 and he then tells you that his PC just 'PWNED' your 'Crapple'. :eek:

    Apple isn't doing themselves ANY favors to ignore mainstream tech. They want TB? Fine, but don't leave out USB3 to spite yourself. Oh wait. They already did that with Blu-Ray.... :rolleyes:

    new iphone 5 features. iphone 5 features and price.
  • iphone 5 features and price.

  • MCIowaRulz
    Apr 30, 04:39 PM
    To Quote Hellhammer specs,

    "1199$ 21.5" iMac

    Intel Core i3-2100 (3.1GHz)
    AMD 6490M with 256MB GDDR5
    750GB HD
    2x2GB RAM; option for 4x2GB

    1499$ 21.5" iMac

    Intel Core i5-2400S (2.5/3.3GHz); option for Core i5-2500S (2.7/3.7GHz)
    AMD 6750M with 512MB GDDR5
    1.5TB HD; option for 3TB
    2x2GB RAM: option for 4x2GB

    1699$ 27" iMac

    Intel Core i5-2400 (3.1/3.4GHz)
    AMD 6750M with 512MB GDDR5; option for AMD 6950M with 1024MB GDDR5
    1.5TB HD; option for 3TB
    2x2GB RAM; options for 4x2GB, 2x4GB and 4x4GB

    1999$ 27" iMac

    Intel Core i7-2600 (3.4/3.8GHz)
    AMD 6950M with 1024MB GDDR5
    1.5TB HD; option for 3TB
    2x4GB RAM; option for 4x4GB"

    More is here

    new iphone 5 features. quot;Apple iPad 2 and iPhone 5:
  • quot;Apple iPad 2 and iPhone 5:

  • RollTide
    Mar 22, 05:58 PM
    As I posted in another thread, Amazon is showing low stock. The uk store also seems low, another user saw that first.

    I wish we had a separate site to weed through the ios and mac rumors. Just me?

    new iphone 5 features. The NEW iPhone 5-All Set to
  • The NEW iPhone 5-All Set to

  • dst98
    Apr 30, 01:21 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Just hope they don't decide to redesign the iMac the beginning of next year like they plan to do with the Macbooks.

    Neither will be redesigned next year. Look at the length of time Apple stuck with the previous design. There are still a few years left to this "look."

    When do you estimate they will come out with the redesigned exterior?

    new iphone 5 features. New IPhone 5 Model. Iphone 5
  • New IPhone 5 Model. Iphone 5

  • 108
    Sep 6, 03:51 AM

    so if a 720p movie is 3 GB and a lot of you are saying it currently can take "forever" for video to download through the iTune Music Store, my question is, how long is "forever" to you all? i've lived in korea, and, on occasion, downloaded 3 GB in about one minute, so my perspective is pretty poor.

    i live in tokyo, where i get fantastic, fantastic fiber internet (and pay much for the pleasure), which yields pretty nice download speeds.

    i have never used the iTunes store! i have iTunes on my terrible, terrible PC here at work here at this Evil Corporation of mine, and i will be buying a MacBook Pro the moment Core 2 Duo is confirmed, so i might as well start using iTunes to download whatever pleases me. i only hope i can download some american television programs with a japanese iTunes account. or . . . maybe not? i don't know how it's going to work. i'll look into it!!

    would really like a new iPod!! my old 40GB workhorse finally fell over dead, a whole six months after the warranty was done for, so i'd love some big giant iPod video breakthrough.

    very excited to see what kind of distribution system they're looking at, seeing as it will affect both my life (40" 1080p bravia X series at home!!) and my . . . job.

    either way, this is all very exciting!! i just hope Core 2 Duo is announced. i want my 20%!!

    also, did anyone else notice that nintendo is doing press conferences world-wide on september 14th, unveiling the price and release of their Wii console?

    that company is looking more and more like apple every day.

    new iphone 5 features. The+iphone+5+features
  • The+iphone+5+features

  • tirk
    Apr 22, 05:03 AM
    Tell you what Apple. Make a 128GB iPhone and I'll pay *you* for it, rather than paying my service provider for the extra downloads (that I can't even do when I'm on the Underground, or in much of my office building, or abroad on holiday...)

    You can already buy 64GB phones (http://www.samsung.com/global/microsite/galaxys2/html/specification.html) Apple. Don't get left behind. :eek:

    new iphone 5 features. iPhone 5 Rumors– Delayed
  • iPhone 5 Rumors– Delayed

  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 14, 01:58 PM
    After looking at a chart of all the Core 2 Duo's, it seems like the most reasonable implementation would be to but the 2MB L2 cache Allendale cores into the iMacs (1.86ghz for the 17" and 2.16ghz for the 20") and the 4MB L2cache Conroe cores into the 3 Mac Pros (2.33ghz @ $1999, 2.66ghz @ $2499, and 2.93ghz @ $2999), with possibly and ultra-high end Dual 3.0ghz Woodcrest offering @ $3499 (I don't think economy of scale effects that likleyhood as Apple will already be purchasing them for their entire X-Serve line).

    That's probably how I would roll it out if it were up to me.

    If it were up to me, I would make the product line look like this before November (I doubt Apple would make a Mini-Tower, but think it would be great):

    Mac Mini (Combo) - $549/£399
    Core 2 Duo T5500 (Merom) -> 1.66GHz, 2MB, 667MHz FSB
    GMA X3000

    Mac Mini (SuperDrive) - $749/£499
    Core 2 Duo T5600 (Merom) -> 1.83GHz, 2MB, 667MHz FSB
    GMA X3000

    Mac Plus (Mini-Tower) - $1,049/£699 + iMac 17" - $1,299/£849
    Core 2 Duo E6400 (Conroe/Allendale) -> 2.13GHz, 2MB, 1066MHz FSB
    Radeon X1600 Pro (128MB)

    Mac Plus (Mini-Tower) - $1,299/£849 + iMac 20" - $1,699/£1,099
    Core 2 Duo E6600 (Conroe) -> 2.4GHz, 4MB, 1066MHz FSB
    Radeon X1600 XT (256MB)

    Mac Pro - $2,699/£1,999
    Dual Xeon 5150s (Woodcrest) -> 2.66GHz, 4MB, 1333MHz FSB
    Radeon X1900 GT (256MB)

    Mac Pro - $3,699/£2,699
    Dual Xeon 5160s (Woodcrest) -> 3GHz, 4MB, 1333MHz FSB
    Radeon X1900 XT (512MB)

    new iphone 5 features. New iPhone 5 2011 will include
  • New iPhone 5 2011 will include

  • newdeal
    Apr 22, 11:21 AM
    It doesnt need cpu that badly but could use ipad level battery life

    new iphone 5 features. New iPhone 4 Details, Features
  • New iPhone 4 Details, Features

  • ezekielrage_99
    May 1, 12:52 AM
    I'm looking at getting a new iMac fingers crossed for the following:
    - Bluray (I know... but it would be nice)
    - Thunderbolt
    - USB3
    - AMD Radeon HD 67XX-68XX with up to 2GB RAM (it wont happen though :()
    - Space for 2 HDD (I know, again it would be nice for two internal drives)
    - i5 and i7.. Hopefully no i3 in the line up.
    - Up to 24GB...

    Again if I can't get an iMac with beefier video card it looks like another Alienware with Linux...

    Sep 14, 08:24 AM
    Is there any chance that they'll release the MBPs here?

    Funny how we're all looking for that same glimmer of hope. :)

    If nothing else, 9-24 is extremely close to 9-27 - the date on which Dell claims to be shipping their (Merom) Core 2's.

    Signs look good, but by now, I'm not getting my hopes up.

    Aug 24, 06:18 AM
    The article you are quoting was published two years ago....

    Oh you are right, i didn't really check the date. But am sure it's somewhat related to this, since Woo was to invest some serious money to win the market, and now he has the serious money he needs.

    100m is still a massive amount of cash, but only roughly 1/100 of Apples total cash. And Apple has gained a couple of things too like the 'made for iPod' logo on their No.1 competitor, which only standardizes the iPod even more.

    Also the most important thing they gained is that they are now 'co-owners' of the patent. And when Creative decides to sue somebody else for patent infringement (Zune), Apple will join the fun too and am sure in that case they'll get most of their money back.

    Apr 30, 02:41 PM
    I seen it as more of a mid model refresh.
    TECHNICALLY been the same since 2008.

    The fall 2009 refresh was a big redesign. The displays were all different sizes, 21.5 and 27" and went edge to edge. This was the first time since moving to Intel that the iMacs had desktop processors instead of the previous mobile chips. It was not a trivial redesign which is why it's unlikely there will be much different about this year's updates other than ports, processors, and storage upgrades.

    Clive At Five
    Sep 26, 09:18 AM

    Let me just say that even though I am a cingular customer, I don't like the sound of this.

    1) Previous reports told us that Apple relinquished developing the "hardware" and settled for common components
    2) This report tells us that Apple has settled for a carrier.

    What is left for Apple to do? The body and the interface (and let me tell you, only one of those two is really important). And even though Apple will control the interface, they will not control any sort of mobile -> internet interaction, i.e. iTunes. Remember when Apple wanted to allow pseudo-iPhone mobile users to be able to d/l from the iT(M)S for identical prices but carriers wouldn't allow that because it severely undercut their pricing structure (download premiums). I would only assume that mobile downloading from iTS (if possible w/ the iPhone) will be more expensive than d/l-ing from home due to the carrier's resrictions.

    *sigh* I guess I'm very skeptical, suddenly, that this iPhone will be worth all the attention it's getting. Maybe the interface will be so outstanding that it'll blow everyone's mind... but I'm not holding my breath.


    Mar 22, 01:33 PM
    I don't know if they can make the iMacs look better, IMO. They look really nice. hardware improvements would be the best way to keep these machines alive. unless ofcourse they pull of something amazing like they always do lol.

    To each their own, but in all reality, these are the best looking "all-in-ones" that i have ever seen.

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