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Friday, May 13, 2011

queen elizabeth ii crown

queen elizabeth ii crown. Queen Elizabeth II
  • Queen Elizabeth II

  • Multimedia
    Sep 15, 05:20 PM
    Agreed at the latest. Gotta have the easy access HD bay like the MacBook or I will not adopt. :D

    queen elizabeth ii crown. Queen Elizabeth II of the
  • Queen Elizabeth II of the

  • CKtoph
    Nov 13, 11:05 AM
    I'm going to use it for a few days and a couple trips around town first before I give a review. But my intial impressions of the kit is that it works just as advertised. Doesn't feel cheap, BT syncing is very easy and syncs every time I plug the phone in. Speaker volume is clear but may need to be louder. I still have to give it some time and adjust to my liking first (my car is pretty loud). And yes, I am using Navigon, but I have not yet downloaded their Live Traffice update.

    Per the manual, calls will not come in through your car's speaker but instead the TomTom car kit's speaker.

    I currently have the kit mounted on my windshield but I also tried mounting it on my dash. If you do not want to put that adhesive on your dash, buy a Sticky Pad (http://www.overstock.com/Electronics/Hand-Stands-Jelly-Sticky-Pad-Dash-Holder/2603163/product.html) and lay it on your dash. Now mount the TomTom kit as you normally would on the sticky pad as if it were glass. It sticks and works very well. Alternatively, you can put the adhesive disk on the sticky pad if you want the suction cup of the TomTom kit to cling to a hard plastic surface. When you leave your car, just peel the Sticky Pad off of your dash and it will not leave any residue. Essentially it is a GPS friction mount. Or you can buy this (http://www.overstock.com/Electronics/HandStands-GPS-Sticky-Pad-Dash-Mount/4341949/product.html), but its just too big for my tastes.

    Thanks for the tip. How do you feel about the speaker volume on the unit for calls so far? Also, do the navigation instructions come through the car's speakers at all?

    I'd still be curious to see how it looks when stuck to the windshield. I've heard some say that it's too hard to see on the windshield.

    queen elizabeth ii crown. Queen Elizabeth II wearing The
  • Queen Elizabeth II wearing The

  • musique
    Nov 13, 11:03 AM
    Just another perspective for those convinced that AV software is unnecessary on Macs: Consider that you are the IT Vice President for an organization. It�s your responsibility to see that your company is safe. Safety incorporates many functions: a virus causing machines to crash, networks slowing down so badly that work stops, secure corporate data being stolen, or a piece of keystroke capturing software finding its way onto the President�s assistant�s computer.

    Put yourself in this IT VP�s shoes for a bit. At the extreme, it might cause you to consider disabling every port on every computer and ask people to go back to sneaker nets with each computer scanning every file on every flash drive. Remember, it�s your career that�s at stake if the company suffers from one or more of the kinds of things mentioned above.

    In fact, I�ve heard that there have been cases of healthcare professionals, including physicians, who are in prison for violating HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), which every healthcare facility in the US has been dealing with for a decade.

    The government as well as private industry must take cyber threats seriously.

    I think the key is to find the best balance between absolute security and user convenience. AV software is one of the tools available to the people responsible to keep �the rest of us� safe.

    For me personally, I run ClamAV occasionally on my home Macs, but I might look into Sophos. At the office all of the thousands of computers, including Macs, have Norton installed. There are probably other security functions about which I�m unaware, too.

    Happy and safe computing.

    queen elizabeth ii crown. Queen+elizabeth+ii+crown Case only to items day,apr , ad mint denham neal Value of birthday officially celebrated on horseback,
  • Queen+elizabeth+ii+crown Case only to items day,apr , ad mint denham neal Value of birthday officially celebrated on horseback,

  • louden
    Jul 21, 08:07 PM
    I'd like to see the merom with a new enclosure for the mbp. I like the magnetic latch, and I'd like to see something with a nicer screen and dedicated graphics.

    That would look good for vista or macos.

    queen elizabeth ii crown. In 2004, Elizabeth II,
  • In 2004, Elizabeth II,

  • miles01110
    Aug 4, 09:33 AM
    What are the odds that Apple Stores will offer to upgrade the Yonah processors in the MacBooks, iMacs, and Minis to the Merom chips (for a fee, of course)?

    I'm guessing they won't do this, but I thought I'd ask.

    Zero to none.

    queen elizabeth ii crown. Elizabeth II of the United
  • Elizabeth II of the United

  • damarsh
    Mar 29, 02:24 PM
    I agree that we will "all be fine" if the world faces iPod touch shortages. It doesn't mean that we shouldn't be upset about it - can I not care about the people who lost their lives or had their lives turned upside down AND a company that will face problems? The two are not mutually exclusive.

    I wasnt getting at anyone considering the position apple was in I was just a bit miffed that people considered Japan to be somehow a hindrance overall to apples business model. After all we are in a global market place and may it continue, only through collaboration will we get better and better electronics and consumer goods. No offence intended. :)

    queen elizabeth ii crown. queen elizabeth ii crown
  • queen elizabeth ii crown

  • ticman
    Nov 5, 06:20 PM
    Thanks to Tstreete and Jade for sharing information about the TomTom car kit and "other" places that it can be purchased at a discount. Also thanks for researching other vendors. Also, whoever posted info on the Arkon Friction Mount--also thanks as that may be a good option to avoid window mounting.

    I am waiting for Tstreete to do his "acid" test and hopefully report back.

    Couple of questions:
    Assume you mounted on windshield. How was "view" while driving. Could you see the iphone and maps easily? Might a dashboard mount be better as it would be closer?

    Also, how do you connect the mount to your radio system? Sorry if stupid question but haven't seen anything on it other than you need audio cable. Is it hardwired or a plugin somewhere near the radio. From reading the above posts it appears that spoken directions come thru radio speakers as would music BUT phone calls come through iphone/tomtom speakers. Correct?

    If I have bluetooth via the steering wheel can that be incorporated with the car kit? not sure i would want to as it was a pain to use when i had it set up in the first place. I also had a BlueAnt bluetooth that I used with my BB Storm but it will not sync my contact list while using the iphone. Might I be able to use this feature? again might just be easier to use iphone voice dialing.

    Thanks all for helpful information. I too agree that we each make our own decision on whether or not to by the tomtom dock. It depends on what we are trying to accomplish. Bashing the price point is really counterproductive as we each have the option to buy it or not. oops didn't mean to get on a soapbox here.

    Thanks again,


    queen elizabeth ii crown. SG574e (S56c) Queen Elizabeth
  • SG574e (S56c) Queen Elizabeth

  • lilo777
    Apr 18, 04:35 PM
    Apple *have* patented the look of icons: http://www.edibleapple.com/apple-granted-eu-patents-on-24-ios-icon-designs/ and Samsung clearly infringes on them.

    (I'm not sure if a similar, US patent exists.)

    I doubt that "looks" can be patented in US. Anyways, according to this article: "The patent application was originally filed in September 2010 and also encapsulates designs pertaining to the reflective nature of icons in the iPad dock (wherein the reflection also describes the function of said icon/app).". There is nothing reflective about Samsung icons.

    queen elizabeth ii crown. H.M. Queen Elizabeth II,
  • H.M. Queen Elizabeth II,

  • zv470
    Nov 22, 05:32 PM
    "We've learned and struggled for a few years here figuring out how to make a decent phone,'' he said. "PC guys are not going to just figure this out. They're not going to just walk in.''

    It's this kind of thinking that is behind the failure of Palm today.

    queen elizabeth ii crown. looked all the by-monarchy question what Queenthe present monarch, queen collection of the collection of almost Queen+elizabeth+ii+crown
  • looked all the by-monarchy question what Queenthe present monarch, queen collection of the collection of almost Queen+elizabeth+ii+crown

  • VivaLaDricas
    Apr 26, 02:53 PM
    Don't see how this is news really. 2+2=4 webOS, Winmo7, etc.. whatever is on the sheer amount of devices Android is on will have larger numbers. Apple does things their way to make money on the hardware as well which = lower share.

    Hopefully HP does something with webOS and MS makes strides in their mobile area so we have a lot of choice and not eventually 80%+ Android stuff.

    Nothing against Android here, just saying most of this is obvious and a no sh** type of news.

    queen elizabeth ii crown. Queen Elizabeth II.
  • Queen Elizabeth II.

  • geiger167
    Sep 11, 02:51 PM
    Not really sure if any of the rumoured devices interest me tommorow, as living in the UK we probably will be denied any kind of movie download service (still waiting for tv show downloads to start) The media streaming device might be a cool idea but unless it had support for divx/transport stream files wouldn't really interest me either and cant imagine apple allowing support of an outside player like VLC and without any kind of download structure available to view apple sourced files outside the USA cant imagine it taking off. Having moaned a bit though I have still ordered a 24 imac and cant wait for it to arrive ( I love watching hdtv files on my 20' imac now so 24' must be heaven)

    queen elizabeth ii crown. Queen Elizabeth II opted to
  • Queen Elizabeth II opted to

  • coder12
    Mar 28, 11:09 AM
    It's important that Apple starts to devote some serious time to it's operating systems as well. I don't see any major drawbacks to delaying any potential new hardware introductions.

    I'm feeling the same way on this. I want Gingerbread and HPre OS to lust after iOS again!

    queen elizabeth ii crown. queen elizabeth ii coronation
  • queen elizabeth ii coronation

  • 0815
    Apr 25, 10:06 AM
    I still don't get the outrage of many people. From all the 'tracking issues' out there, this is the one to worry the least about since it is only on your device and is not send to anyone.

    If you really worry about anyone knowing where you are or have been, there are better 'targets' to go after, some where information is really send and analyzed by people 'out of your control'.

    queen elizabeth ii crown. Queen Elizabeth II by TheMarkR
  • Queen Elizabeth II by TheMarkR

  • likemyorbs
    Apr 14, 09:51 AM
    Take that, fivepoint. Where has he been btw? Haven't seen him around here in a while.

    queen elizabeth ii crown. if you Queen Elizabeth II
  • if you Queen Elizabeth II

  • danielwsmithee
    Aug 4, 08:16 AM
    It is a new game after PPC->x86.
    Apple is now competing directly with all other PC manufacturers. You can easily compare the hardware between different computers.
    Hence, I am sure Apple will upgrade all MBs to Merom as soon as they have made sure they will get enough Meroms to satisfy the need of MBP.
    Besides since both the iBook and 12'' PB seems to have merged into the 13'' MB, it is vital to keep this line updated for demanding users with a need for a smaller form factor.I think quick updates to the latest technology at a reasonable price is a good strategy for Apple right now. Many computer manufacturers have not switched over to even the Core Duo on their laptops yet, the ones that have charge a premium for them. The same is true for the Core 2 Duo desktops and Woodcrest. There is an 8 month lag in the main manufacturers (Dell, HP, Gateway etc) between the time that a new intel processor is available and they have cleared out their inventory and start offering the newer technology. HP is better then the others. Dell it is almost impossible to find a computer on their website with Core 2 Duo and the ones that are (XPS) can not be configured for anything less the $2500. They really charge a premium for the latest and greatest. Apple could go a long way by keeping their inventory short and getting customers the latest technology quickly.

    queen elizabeth ii crown. 0990CHINA - Queen Elizabeth II
  • 0990CHINA - Queen Elizabeth II

  • Geckotek
    Apr 20, 09:54 AM
    Because Europe > USA.

    Texas > USA > Europe :p

    Ok...not really.

    queen elizabeth ii crown. Queen Elizabeth II Coronation
  • Queen Elizabeth II Coronation

  • pmz
    Mar 28, 11:11 AM
    Sort of relieved no iPhone 5 announcements, Im firmly bogged down into a 2 year contract.

    :confused: who cares?

    There are lot of people waiting for new iPhone hardware, and if Apple doesn't deliver, there stock price is going to plummet.

    Also, I'm REALLY tired of Macrumors following their articles with "X source has offered reliable information in the past..." when the given source has offered just as much complete ************ in the past.

    Like a few days ago reporting that rumors from BGR come from a reliable source...whereas prior to iPad 2 BGR's rumors were ALL completely 100% fabricated. How quickly we forget.

    queen elizabeth ii crown. queen elizabeth ii crown
  • queen elizabeth ii crown

  • shadowmoses
    Aug 7, 07:39 AM
    Personally, I prefer iChat over Adium.

    It's a much simpler, cleaner design and it integrates with OS X perfectly.

    It's very fast loading, glitch free (pretty much), and video looks fantastic!!!!

    I use AIM, and I love it. MSN is terrible in comparison, and AIM on Adium aint as good as AIM on iChat IMO...

    I totally agree but the problem is all my freinds are on MSN so i can't use iChat hopefully things will change today though ;)


    queen elizabeth ii crown. Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
  • Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

  • LegendKillerUK
    Mar 26, 10:49 PM
    means nothing
    people are reading too much into that slide

    Saves him an email.

    Nov 14, 04:00 PM
    I installed Sophos on our two Macs after it was released. On my Macbook Pro, there were four quarantined items, all in the Cache area, all having to do with Java. Nothing showed up on the iMac. And they weren't threats so Mac, but to Windows.

    Sophos really does run quietly, and doesn't appear to hog memory. Still, I uninstalled it. There isn't a version for iOS, and I get and send a lot of files from my iPhone and iPad. I'm not really saving anyone using Windows from those threats unless I limit all activity to my Macs -- and that's a bit counter productive.

    Aug 3, 01:07 AM
    But it's perfectly acceptable to round 1.67 down too, it's half way between 1.5 and 2. Also depends on the price of a Sidcrome socket set.

    I'll believe this 2x battery life bollocks when I see the results from the labs, not some chintzy marketing ploy by Intel.

    Thanks for being the voice of reason.

    Multimedia, how is "twice the battery life" and "two times the battery life" different?

    Apr 5, 01:19 PM
    Jail break is legal for personal use. Corporate use of jail break may be another thing altogether.

    Where's the Lexus theme? I don't want a Scion theme.

    Aug 4, 01:02 AM
    Never buy an apple product!!!
    As soon as you do something new and better comes out!!!
    I am typing this away on my new Macbook, Core 1 Duo; which i bought under the self-brainwashed reasoning that the MBP alone would see 2x2. Why you ask? Cuz I figured hey, the MB JUST came out, why refresh it every 2 months! The MBP has been out like 8 months, that makes sense.
    I can only PRAY I am right.
    No that my Macbook will be instant crap... I just COULD have waited until september.
    Damn you apple...

    You have a very good system.:confused: Your Macbook will not be crap. I really don't think the Macbook will get a processor upgrade yet. Not for another couple of months anyway.

    Apr 20, 12:31 AM
    I'll be buying that phone as my first iDevice :)

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