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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

semana santa sevilla spain

semana santa sevilla spain. Sevilla - Sevilla, Spain
  • Sevilla - Sevilla, Spain

  • Multimedia
    Jul 23, 09:42 PM
    The iBook never went under $999. I barely call that a sub-$1000 laptop. But whatever you say. I'll agree that $999 looks better then $1000 though. :p

    All of these Blu-Ray fans scare me. Considering they're having trouble fabricating the 50 GB discs..Speaking of Blu-ray, last night NBC broadcast the pilot of Miami Vice in Widescreen HD along with shorts on the upcoming movie by Michael Mann. I mean this was a pristine Film Transfer to 1080i HD with incredible Dolby Sound. Then at the end they try and hawk 4x3 SD DVD sets of the first two seasons (22 episodes each) for $40 each. What an absurd offer after watching the pilot in HD. No way would I want go back and watch the rest in SD 4x3. We need either Blu-ray or HD-DVD to meet market demand for fare like this ASAP.

    semana santa sevilla spain. Seville#39;s Semana Santa,
  • Seville#39;s Semana Santa,

  • chrmjenkins
    May 4, 04:30 PM
    Also, if it isn't clear, we'll be alternating narratives. I'll finish up the heroes' second action here, and then it will be ravenvii's turn. He'll also track stat keeping. These duties may shift/change but if either of us posts a narrative, don't be surprised.

    semana santa sevilla spain. semana santa en sevilla espana
  • semana santa en sevilla espana

  • swarmster
    Apr 25, 09:21 AM
    Android has been shown (http://thenextweb.com/google/2011/04/21/its-not-just-the-iphone-android-stores-your-location-data-too/) to also gather location information, but the database is limited to a much smaller list of entries and is regularly wiped by the system. Jobs' email seems to explicitly claim, however, that Google's location information is used to track users while Apple's is not.

    Umm, Android's on-phone database might be smaller, but the phone sends all your location data to Google several times an hour tied to a unique identifier, where I'm sure the database is unlimited. And even if you trust Google with that data, they've been hacked before.

    The only way anyone gets your iPhone data is if they steal your phone and you don't do a remote wipe in time. Or if they steal your computer and you don't encrypt backups.

    semana santa sevilla spain. Holy Week in Seville, Spain,
  • Holy Week in Seville, Spain,

  • longday
    Aug 2, 12:36 PM
    I'm guessing since all the laptops Apple makes now have cameras built-in they're not terribly concerned about sales lost to "sensitive environments" that do not permit cameras. I'm also guessing their mostly government-affiliated and Apple still doesn't really have any considerable portion of the government (excluding education) market.

    That said, here's hoping for iPhone. Treo700 is too damn expensive.

    semana santa sevilla spain. semana santa sevilla spain.
  • semana santa sevilla spain.

  • RichP
    Nov 22, 11:55 AM
    I have to agree with some previous posters on here; its not going to be the featureset, but the implementation.

    I have a Samsung Smartphone, and WinMobile isnt terrible, but its far from smooth or an enjoyable use. That being said, when you have "real" internet (aka not something that is just for phone use) and "real" Instant Messaging, you begin to actually use these things. The T-Mobile Sidekick, although a bit geared to the younger crowd, its a very good device in terms of its functionality and user interface.

    I basically see the iPhone as a better designed, better user interfaced, and EXTREMELY easy to charge and Sync with a computer. Just like an iPod. All these phones lack in the sync department, Apple could dominate this (which, apart from the user interface, is the thing that sets the ipod apart. Plug it ina and it just works, no fuss)

    Expect to see it sold through Apple unlocked, around 400-450 dollars. People used to pay that for an iPod, they will do so for a phone. Especially when there are VERY expensive ringtones, songs, etc. Apple will be the more economical choice in light of the expensive "services" the providers offer.

    The industry will change. MS will release the "Pune" in 3 years to kill iPhone. In brown.

    semana santa sevilla spain. semana santa sevilla spain.
  • semana santa sevilla spain.

  • Bern
    Jul 30, 07:33 AM
    I wonder if this will be an American exclusive device (if at all it actually happens)?

    I don't see phone companies picking up on this here in Australia very quickly, heck it took two years just to get ITMS.

    I'd love to have an Apple mobile phone, but I just don't see it happening.

    semana santa sevilla spain. Semana Santa Sevilla 2011
  • Semana Santa Sevilla 2011

  • syaman
    Mar 29, 09:37 AM
    Oh well
    For U.S. Customers Only

    It appears that you are attempting to use Amazon Cloud Player from outside the U.S. This service is intended for U.S. customers only.

    semana santa sevilla spain. Semana Santa, Seville, Spain
  • Semana Santa, Seville, Spain

  • JapaneseMonkey
    Mar 29, 09:49 PM
    Well screw Japan
    now Apple is being ruined by Japanese again ;;

    semana santa sevilla spain. semana santa 2011 sevilla
  • semana santa 2011 sevilla

  • SactoGuy18
    Mar 30, 07:16 AM
    I think a major concern for Apple right now is the possibility they may have NO products to sell by July 2011 for many of their product lines due to the lack of parts coming from Japan. I wouldn't be surprised that Apple may have to aim for a November 2011 simultaneous launch of the iPhone 5, 5G iPod touch and 7G iPod nano so they can assure themselves of supplies of the right parts from manufacturers in South Korea and China for Foxconn.

    semana santa sevilla spain. Penitentes at the Samana Santa
  • Penitentes at the Samana Santa

  • randyharris
    Sep 10, 10:59 PM
    If the rumors of near $15 downloads are true - are you really interested? That's way too much for me to have interest in it.

    But then again, I think $0.99 per track isn't as attractive as subscription based services too.. :)

    Now a streaming Media Device I'm excited about.

    New [Video] iPod I'm excited about as well.

    Randy at http://www.MacSeven.com

    semana santa sevilla spain. Holy week - Semana Santa
  • Holy week - Semana Santa

  • mikes63737
    Aug 4, 01:31 PM
    iSight? (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2003/06/20030623160609.shtml)

    I think that the iSight was designed more for communication between business travelers and their families. That's what all their ads showed. :confused:

    semana santa sevilla spain. Semana Santa in Sevilla Spain,
  • Semana Santa in Sevilla Spain,

  • Machead III
    Sep 11, 09:10 AM
    It could be simple as having two tabs..one for the music store and the other for the movie store.

    By that logic you could tab all of iLife in one app. Or tab the entire Adobe suit in a single window.

    Movies and music are different media with different means of consumption, different lengths, different technology, different file sizes, different meta-information etc. etc.

    Whatever their solution it has to be "as good as" two apps, almost non of the same rules apply to movies as do to music.

    semana santa sevilla spain. hotel-alfonso-XIII-sevilla-
  • hotel-alfonso-XIII-sevilla-

  • brayhite
    Apr 25, 10:53 AM
    Ok, here's the information that's actually known about the consolidated.db file:
    1) It records the locations of nearby wi-fi access points and cell towers.
    2) When location services were originally added to the iPhone, the file had a different name and was stored in a different location. (It was moved as part of the multi-tasking updates.)
    3) The purpose of the file has been explicitly spelled out by Apple *from the beginning*. It is used *by* location services to calculate your current position in order to be able to display your position faster than would be possible solely using GPS. (It's part of the Assisted GPS process.)
    4) There is absolutely no evidence that the file's contents are ever transmitted to anyone. It exists on the iPhone, and in the backup(s) of said iPhone.

    So why all the hub-bub? The info stays stored ON YOUR PHONE. Anyone who is freaking out (like the user who said he didn't want anyone to be able to take his phone in his office and see his 6 month history of locations) better be deleting ALL emails, ALL past calls, ALL recent text messages, ALL Safari website visits, etc.

    Those are just about as revealing as knowing your approximate location and travel patterns.

    And to reinforce what someone else said: if you TRULY care about the info being locally stored, don't use the internet. Period. Stop posting here.

    semana santa sevilla spain. Semana Santa, Sevilla, Spain. Brotherhoods of the catholic Church in Spain, celebrates
  • Semana Santa, Sevilla, Spain. Brotherhoods of the catholic Church in Spain, celebrates

  • dgree03
    Apr 25, 09:19 AM
    LOL at Android users naive enough to think their "free" OS, funded by targeted advertising, isn't collecting user data.

    Right, and boy is there misinformation being spread right in this thread. Apple is NOT collecting this data, your iPhone is. It goes NOWHERE.

    As I said, it isn't even doing that for me as I deleted that file on my Mac. Hey, instead of running around with your hair on fire, just delete that file. Wow, that's easy!

    Naah, better to pretend this is one big conspiracy from Apple and spread misinformation. Hey, I know, let me contradict Steve's explicit statements. I sure know who I trust more: anonymous snipers on the Internet over Steve Jobs.

    Android is funded by target advertising? I didnt know that, can you provide a link that backs this up?

    semana santa sevilla spain. semana santa 2010
  • semana santa 2010

  • Fukui
    May 6, 03:58 AM
    I can't think of a worse idea!

    I can. Going back to PowerPC!! lol....

    semana santa sevilla spain. Semana Santa 2009 in Seville,
  • Semana Santa 2009 in Seville,

  • Chase R
    Dec 15, 01:10 AM
    The big deal is that i do not want buggy, resource stealing software on my mac. Simple as that.

    Exactly, there's no reason for a Mac to need virus protection. Just a waste of CPU cycles, RAM, and disk IO.

    And any PC user that doesn't have AV protection is just asking for it. It's not our responsibility to save their ass. Maybe if they actually do get a(nother) virus they will make the switch!

    semana santa sevilla spain. a Semana Santa procession,
  • a Semana Santa procession,

  • muffinss
    May 6, 01:34 AM
    I wouldn't be shocked if Apple did.. They do have a history of doing this. They have changed CPU type's three times now. Motorola, IBM, and now x86. Consumer out rage didn't stop them. Apple will do what Apple wants to do. Plus Apple has been slowly moving away from being a traditional computer manufacture to being a mobile device manufacture. Ever since the iPod, Apple has been slowly moving away..They're starting to care more about mobile devices and energy efficiency than they do raw power like they use to.

    Pretty much all their mobile devices run off of ARM, its only natural to wanting all of their devices, computers included, to run off of the same processor type. I wouldn't be shocked if they already have a computer with an ARM processor running off of full blown OS X liked they had OS X running off of x86 for all those years before they released it..

    semana santa sevilla spain. semana santa procession
  • semana santa procession

  • Chundles
    Aug 3, 12:23 AM
    There is a field report I can't find the link now. From New York on Airplane, Yonah PC battery died over Chicago while same size Merom PC battery made it all the way to LA. So I am RIGHT NOT WRONG. :eek:

    Wow, measuring battery life by cities. Sounds amazingly scientific. I'm gonna say "You're wrong" just because you cited such a field report. That's disgraceful... :o

    semana santa sevilla spain. Semana Santa 2010 in Seville
  • Semana Santa 2010 in Seville

  • DiamondMac
    Mar 29, 11:12 AM
    I dont understand the point of this. Is storage really an issue on peoples computers? I understand the mobile app, but why not just store the files locally?

    Some people like me change computers often and prefer having things in the cloud

    Okay, nice, guys. This is MacRumors, not AmazonRumors. Who gives a crap about Amazon? Move along now.

    Huh? This very much so is a MacRumors issue. Apple will be competing with this

    May 6, 01:41 AM
    This is total BS.
    ARM CPUs are far far behind Intel's non-Atom series in terms of performance.
    This is due to their RISC architecture. That's also why they consume less power than x86.
    If you're saying in 2 years ARM's performance may catch up to current Atom, then, it may be possible.
    But compared with Core i series? It's the biggest joke I've ever heard.

    Aug 7, 05:08 PM
    The power supply is on top like the rumor sites said it would be. This seems like a stupid design decision to me. The power cord will hang over everything else. They probably did it out of necessity, but my dual G5 is still prettier.

    simple, really - heat rises...;)

    Sep 11, 02:41 PM
    * new middle mac should be thirty inch tv. built in bluetooth for control couch. remote with track ball. bundled with eyetv and x10 automation software. NO MORE WHITE PLASTIC
    * bluetooth remote. (a few more buttons)
    * Airport Express with video and 5.1
    * Plugin architecture for front row!!!!!!!!!
    * add screen savers to front row(did this myself)
    * add video and audio messaging to front row (did this myself)
    * Jeff Han coffee table.

    Mar 29, 08:58 AM
    i can see the value of having a backup on the cloud. but if you really listen to a lot of music through the cloud your 2GB data plan is used up in no time. as well as your battery on your phone. assuming you have good reception.

    maybe I'm oldfashioned but since it's no problem to buy a 16GB iPhone or an Android phone with SD card you can have most of your music with you anyway.

    Jul 21, 02:01 PM
    Sheesh. This is a 180 from waiting for G5 updates.

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